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*One Week Later*
"Rog are you sure this is the best idea? I don't want to force John and Freddie into anything and make the whole issue worse." Brian sighed as I wheeled him from the hospital towards my awaiting car. He was finally being released today and we were heading home to our new house! Fred and John both agreed to move in with us meaning Bri didn't have to move away and I would forever be grateful for that! After our kiss and the guitarist's confession we'd spoken about what we wanted to do about our feelings. I knew that I felt something towards Bri but I didn't know how strong my own feelings were yet. I wanted to be there for him and be with him as much as I could, but I didn't know if we could be a couple just yet. Brian understood where I was coming from and agreed that we should just take it as it comes and not force anything, which I was thankful for. He seemed to just be enjoying my company as much as I was enjoying his so that made me extra happy. The whole Freddie and John situation was a bloody huge drama though and I wasn't so sure how they'd go living together after going through their break up. Fred had told me that John broke up with him over something some girls at his work were on about, but I'm not entirely over all the details as the frontman was a sobbing mess over the phone. All I knew was that neither were speaking to one another and John had to sleep on the sofa at their tiny flat until they moved into the house with us! I was completely shocked when I found out John left Freddie. I'd never, EVER imagine them breaking up so soon, and especially over something like that (if I was understanding his rambles correctly). I thought for sure the pair would last as did Fred I'd assume. I saw him once in the last week and the poor lad looked a mess! I hated the idea of them having to share a room again at this new house but that's what we all agreed on. I'd already wanted to start finding things for the baby's nursery and we couldn't push that back anymore, she'd be here before we knew it!

"They agreed after the break up Bri." I shrugged, even though he couldn't see me as I continued pushing. "I don't know how them sharing a bed is going to go but I'm sure they can work it out. They're adults." I mumbled, hoping that we wouldn't be woken up in the middle of the night by them screaming at one another. I just was curious as to what was going through John's mind when he decided to break it off. I thought he was just as in love with Freddie as the older was with him but maybe not if he's thrown it all away so quickly.

"Freddie must be a wreck." Brian sighed again, sounding like he felt for our singer as he rested a hand on his bump, rubbing it softly like he always would. "There has to be some way to sort things out between them. We can't just leave them how they are, not when we know John wouldn't just leave Fred for no reason." He said seriously as I finally reached the car, stopping to put on the wheelchair breaks before unlocking the door.

"We thought he wouldn't but maybe we don't know Deaky as well as we thought." I shrugged again, opening the car door before helping Brian in the best I could. We'd had a bit of practice with me helping him to the bathroom at the hospital but I wasn't the best when it came to getting him anywhere smoothly. I tried to lower my best friend into the car gently only to smack his head on the side of the door while doing so.

"Ah fuck!" He cursed, gasping at the pain (I assume) as he sat down on the seat, holding a hand to his head.

"Fuck!" I gasped too, immediately feeling bad for hurting him as I knelt down to make sure he wasn't bleeding or anything. "Fuck Bri! I'm so sorry. Shit! Are you okay?!" I panicked, freaking out as he rubbed the spot to try and sooth it. "Are you bleeding? Do you need me to check?" I asked, almost crawling onto his lap to try and see if the impact had left a mark.

"Rog I'm fine." He soothed, pushing me back out of his face with a chuckle.

"Are you sure? You could be bleeding!" I exclaimed, guilt filling my stomach as I thought about him possibly having an opened wound because of my dumb mistake.

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