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*I hate the ending of this but it's up!! Whoop!!
Also we hit 11k reads?! 😱😭
You guys are fucking amazing and I love you all!! 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕*

*A Few Weeks Later*
"How did we actually get this record done and released?" John chuckled, shaking his head at the crowd of people bustling about the band's album launch party their new and improved label was holding for them. After signing a deal with their new label and putting the final finishing touches on the album, the record was released a week ago and was already doing well on the charts (much to everyone's relief!).

"I have no idea lovey but I'm bloody glad the thing is done and out now!" Freddie laughed too, his eyes also wandering around the room as he took a sip from his champagne glass, the alcohol seeming to make it a little easier to get through the night. The label had rented out the entire ballroom of the grandest hotel in London, ensuring everyone who was invited knew that Queen were simply THAT band and were forced to be reckoned with in the music industry. The whole affair was over the top and cost way too much money but all four of the lads were in attendance (as they had to be) ready to party the night away with the free open bar adding to everyone's (minus John) excitement.

"How much to drink do you think he's had?" John snickered, nodding his head towards Roger as the blonde was practically swung around the dance floor by his other half, the guitarist looking just as unruly and wasted as the drummer himself. It was the pairs' first outing without a baby attached to one of their hips and nothing was going to stop them both from enjoying a night out!

"Rog?" Freddie questioned. "Well I think he's had just as much as Bri looking at them both flailing about out there." He snorted back a laugh, shaking his head too as he downed the rest of his bubbly, quickly seeking out a waiter to flag down another glass. The party had gone well for the most part at the beginning of the night, the crowd being quick to cheer on the band as they all said a few words (along with John Reid, their manager who managed to stay on during the label change), yet the night was beginning to wind down a little and neither Freddie nor John really wanted to still be in the room if they were being honest with themselves. The bassist felt as though he could collapse at any moment, the whole night taking its toll on both his energy levels and the nerves in his bloody back (it was hard carrying around a baby you know). Freddie also felt like the night was done, just wanting to be back home cuddling with his love before they'd drift off together like they always would. He used to be always up for a party, usually being out every night with his different friends from different uni groups, though now he'd much rather spend the night in with John, just watching a crappy soap or talking together. He was starting to feel old and he wasn't even a parent yet!

"They're taking advantage of not having Ivy around for the night." John chuckled again, taking a sip of his champagne glass full of juice that Freddie insisted he use (so he didn't feel left out of the celebrations).

"I don't really blame them." Freddie shrugged, already sensing the impending doom that parenthood was about to drop on the pair themselves. He never really sat back and thought about being a parent, about having a baby. They had so much to learn and to put into practice and they were going to have to do it all for the first time with their son! It scared the frontman thinking that they were practicing their parenting on him, not even having had too much in depth experience with Ivy to help them along. "That'll be us the next time we release an album." He added, smirking as John rolled his eyes playfully.

"Speak for yourself." He joked back. "I'll be sleeping the day away the one chance we get to be child free!" He said seriously, already knowing just how little sleep the both of them were going to get once their little man joined their already somewhat hectic lives. They'd struggled enough getting sleep in with making an album and now they were going to add a screeching newborn to the mix too! John could pick just how exhausted they were going to be in a few months time.

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