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This chapter is kinda just a catch up before another time jump!
It also has the Deacury baby gender reveal so feel free to comment some name suggestions!
Also; I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!! 💕*

*One Week Later*
The week after the accident was one of stress, worry and chaos in the Queen household, what with both Roger and Freddie being home from hospital with injuries to nurse, John was busy trying to keep his emotions in check and to top it off, there was still an actual baby to take care of as well! Brian and John were busy faffing about over their other halves (even if Roger was fine and over his sprain two days after leaving the hospital), leaving neither any time to themselves or to clean up around the place at all. Every room had quickly turned into a junk pit and there was soon spillage into the hall as well.

"This is a joke." Brian sighed, shaking his head as he surveyed the piles of crap filling their already tight hallway situation. "We need to clean this up, today." He added, looking around further as Ivy cling onto his side. "We need to clean this up, don't we baby girl? Yes, yes we do." He put on his "baby" voice, causing the little one to screech with laughter as he tickled her belly.

"Someone's happy this morning." Freddie laughed himself, scaring the guitarist as he didn't think John was letting his lover downstairs yet.

"Shouldn't you be resting?" He quizzed, almost certain that Freddie was meant to still be in bed after his surgery. He needed time to recover and being up and about was only going to worsen how he was feeling (which was still pretty shitty).

"I am resting." The frontman's shrugged. "I just needed to...stretch my legs a bit." He added, his attention focused on his goddaughter as he avoided Brian's gaze.

"Where's John?" Brian asked, raising an eyebrow. He knew damn well the bassist wouldn't let Freddie downstairs in his condition without his help which meant he must've snuck away. "Freddie?" He probed when he didn't receive an answer.

"He's in the shower." Freddie groaned, rolling his eyes. He loved that John wanted to take such good care of him and make sure he was okay, but he was beginning to feel trapped upstairs in his bedroom alone. He knew he needed to rest but surely one trip downstairs wasn't going to hurt! He needed interaction or he might just go bananas!

"So he doesn't know you're down here then?" The younger asked again, earning a headshake in response. "You're going to get eaten al-" He started, only to be cut off by a very concerned but also angry sounding John.

"FREDDIE?!" He shouted, the singer gulping as he knew what was coming.

"Fuck." He muttered, waiting for the lecture he was about to receive about "needing to stay in bed to fully recover" (one he'd heard far too much over the course of the week!).

"Freddie." John sighed, appearing at the top of the stairs with his hands on his hips, looking less than impressed with his boyfriend. The youngest of the group had been in a mood and a half for the last few days, his pregnancy hormones suddenly making him lash out at everything (as well as nothing). He didn't mean to be so snappy but he just couldn't help it. He'd go from mad to happy to sobbing in three seconds flat sometimes! He was struggling when it came to controlling his emotions and especially with Freddie not being 100%, he wasn't coping too well.

"H-Hi lovey." Freddie smiled the best he could, immediately regretting sneaking away as he knew John's temper was easily set off at the moment. He didn't sneak away from him specifically, he just needed out of that room for a while.

"We're just going to leave you both alone." Brian piped in, nodding as he shifted Ivy further up his side to keep her comfy. "Good luck with him." He added, Freddie rolling his eyes as the taller lad took off before he too copped a spray from John for somehow being involved in the older man's bedroom escape!

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