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*I don't love this chapter but I'm glad it's finished! The ending is a lil cute tho! 💕💕*

*A Few Days Later*
"And please don't come back without it!" John shouted at me just as I walked out the front door, the comment making me sigh deeply as I pulled it closed to start on the quest he'd sent me on. My lovely (and also heavily pregnant) boyfriend had pushed me out to find a very specific baby blanket that we "needed" and Bri and Rog had apparently missed from their haul. I wasn't quite sure why we "needed" said blanket (as to me blankets were bloody blankets) but I decided against arguing with John, already noting the god awful mood he was in before I'd even gotten out of bed this morning! I knew it wasn't his fault he was feeling how he was, the strain of his pregnancy really starting to weigh him down, but heaven have mercy he was ropable today over the smallest things! I was honestly a little relieved he'd sent me off, at least I'd get a break from the stomping around he'd been doing before I left! I decided to walk, partly to get some fresh air and have time to myself but also because it would take longer and hopefully John would be in a better mood when I got back later. I love him more than anything but his moods were just something else and leaving him be a little longer should help (fingers crossed). It was a nice day out, a little chilly but not too bad as I wandered down town, actually enjoying being on my own for once. I usually liked having company, especially John, but the time to myself was something I rarely got these days so I thought I'd take it before we'd have a baby strapped to us 24/7. I couldn't wait for it though, meeting Archie and watching him grow up before our eyes. It was amazing how much Ivy was able to do now and she was only six months old! It was so exciting to think that we get to watch our son grow up like we were watching her. I know we should prepare ourselves, that the reality of having a baby isn't all sunshine and rainbows, but I knew the good would outweigh anything else. I knew we'd love being parents.
There were several different stores that sold baby things in central London, most of them only having a handful of stuff (I've heard from Bri) besides the jumbo store John's devil of a mother worked at, and I was under specific instructions to not return there to see her again. This meant that one of the other stores needed this bloody blanket or ELSE as John also told me not to come home without the damn thing. I really didn't understand what was so special about a blue blanket with a ribbon trim but apparently it was a "necessary" item in our baby kit so I had to find it to please him or risk getting my head taken off! I continued my walk to the first store, meeting a couple of girls who were actually fans of ours along the main street which was lovely, them asking for a quick autograph while we chatted. It was hard to believe we had fans, people who paid to see us or to buy our records! It was always my dream to have something like that, to be a star if you will. I always believed Queen would make it eventually, and here we are! Even if it did take changing bloody labels to do it right.
After the quick chat I finally made it to the store, praying they had this blanket, yet unfortunately they did not. The very polite saleswomen apologised and told me to try the store I was forbidden from going back to, so cue eye roll here. I said thank you and left, hoping the second stop would have the darn thing as I really wasn't looking forward to getting snarked at for either coming home without it or for having to visit she-who-we-shall-not-speak-of. The next stop was only a short stroll down from the last and of course they too were out of this fucking wonder blanket! The saleswoman so helpfully told me to try the other place, yet again (as if that was an option for me!) and I internally groaned when asked if I knew of it. Before leaving, I asked myself if there were any other places she could possibly think of that could have this blanket (besides her first suggestion) but she only replied with the store I'd already been to beforehand. This quest was becoming a real chore and it was looking as though I'd need to risk running into John's mother again to buy him his dream baby blanket in all its bloody glory! As much as I didn't feel like telling him I went to the store, I wasn't really in the mood to come back empty handed either, knowing how desperately important this thing was to him right now. I think if this was any other day he'd be fine knowing I couldn't get the blanket, but today he seemed to be struggling a lot more and I knew I had to get it for him or he'd more than likely have a meltdown and I didn't want him feeling like that. After seeing what kind of a mood he was in earlier I'd planned to just stay in and try my best to help him feel more like his usual self but he insisted I go out so now I hope he's not at home feeling horrible all alone, we didn't need his mind wandering again.
It took a minute but I finally decided to just risk it and try the last store, praying John's mother wasn't working today the whole walk there as I knew shit would go down if I saw her. I wasn't going to initiate anything, I'd ignore her the best I could if I saw her but I knew she'd try something with me, I just knew it and I wasn't going to get involved. John wanted nothing to do with her and completely agree with his reasonings of course! Nobody should have to see somebody who abused them like she did. I made it to the store, taking a deep breath before pulling the door open and wandering inside. I kept my eyes peeled as I made my way to where I'd assume some type of baby blanket would be, my fingers crossed that they had it here and I wouldn't need to return home with my tail in between my legs.

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