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*I hope you guys like this chapter! I'm kinda into it 😂
Also, I wanted to say a quick thank you to you all! The story recently hit 4k reads which omg is insane! You guys are so amazing and I'm so grateful to you all for putting up with my crappy upload schedule and sometimes lack luster updates 😂😂
I love you guys 💕💕*

*One Month Later*
"It's baby day! It's baby day! It's baby day!" Roger sang happily as he skipped around the bottom floor of the house, rather excited that he and Brian were going to get to see the baby again today. The guitarist was now 22 weeks pregnant and way just over halfway through his pregnancy, meaning his little bean was a lot more active and wriggly now than before, just enough for Roger to finally feel a little bit of movement (which he loved). "C'mon Bri! Up and at em! It's baby day!" He shouted, knocking on the older's door before pushing it open.

"I know it's baby day Rog. You've not stopped talking about it all week." Brian chuckled from his spot on the side of his bed, shaking his head as Roger bounced on his heels excitedly.

"Sue me for being excited to see our baby Brian." The blonde grumbled, sticking his tongue out at him playfully. "Are you okay sitting there?" He asked, now serious as he panicked a little watching him sitting on his own. Over the last month Brian had found a bit of feeling coming back to his legs, meaning he could move them enough on their own to be able to get himself to the side of the bed easier. The doctor said it was because Roger had made him do his exercises everyday (the drummer was very proud of himself after that comment) and keeping up the routine helped him get some feeling back. It wasn't a tonne of feeling, mainly just pins and needles and such, but Brian could wiggle his toes and was glad things were starting to finally fall back into place in his life, especially in time for their little arrival.

"I'm fine." He nodded with a smile, proud that he'd finally been able to do something for himself. He hated being a burden on Roger all the time and just couldn't wait until he was fully up and moving again. He was sure his constant calls for help to the bathroom were driving his best friend crazy and he hated getting him out of bed in the middle of the night because the baby was playing havoc with his damn bladder.

"I told you you'd get there." Roger smiled back, also proud of how far Brian had come in the last few months. It was scary to think that he may be paralysed for the rest of his life and the younger didn't want to think that was the case, but it was looking that way for a little while. He was so, so glad though things had worked out how they did and Brian was finally able to feel somewhat like himself again. He hated seeing him so down and hopeless whenever he didn't get positive outcome from therapy.

"I've still got a long way to go, but I'm happy I'm here nonetheless." Brian kept his grin, feeling grateful that he even survived his accident and was able to be here today to have an opportunity to see his baby again. So many tragedies could've come out of him falling, losing his life or the baby not making it being only a few, and he knew that being paralysed was partly a tragedy too but he'd take that over losing his little bean any day.

"Do you need to change?" Roger quizzed, already moving to grab Brian's wheelchair so they could get moving. He was feeling very impatient today, just wanting to see his daughter again. Brian had been having almost weekly scans whilst in hospital but now it had been over a month since they'd seen their baby and Roger wasn't pleased. He wanted to connect with them and he felt like the best way was through seeing them all happy and healthy in there.

"I'm okay wearing this." Brian shrugged, not really being too bothered by being in his sweatpants to visit the doctor. He was pregnant and could barely feel his bloody legs! He was sure people would forgive him for not dressing up. Roger nodded, positioning the wheelchair before gently helping the older lad into it (without hurting him thankfully). "You know the appointment isn't for another hour Rog. We don't need to rush." Brian laughed, shaking his head again as Roger bustled him around to get ready.

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