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*Another chapter I'm actually kinda proud of. Who is she?! 😂😂💕*

Roger was being short with me. We'd gone out this morning together and he's not so much as looked at me the whole time let alone say more than two words! I didn't know what I'd done to piss him off but I knew ignoring the issue would get us nowhere. Rog had a tendency to hold a grudge and I didn't want him holding one against me for something I don't even remember doing! That was the last thing we all needed right now with so much already going on in the house.

"What have I done?" I asked suddenly as we stopped at a small stall in the Kensington Markets, Roger wanting to look at something.

"What?" He snapped, not bothering to look at me as he continued to glance around the table, making me roll my eyes.

"You're annoyed with me." I sighed. "What have I done? Did I eat your bloody biscuits again? I told you I'll buy you some more if they're really that important." I muttered, rubbing my face tiredly. I really wasn't in the mood for him and his stupid games at the moment, just wanting things to be at least a little normal before I had to go and visit John. It wasn't that I didn't want to see him, of course I did, I just wasn't looking forward to facing the reality of where he was I guess. It wasn't his fault that he was there, and I wasn't blaming him for wanting some help, I guess I was just being selfish and was worrying about how I'd handle seeing him in a place like that. I wasn't sure what to expect and I didn't want to go in blindly and say something wrong. The whole situation was just stressing me out and I didn't need Roger on my back to add to it all.

"I'm not annoyed." The blonde snapped again, shoving past me to walk back the way we came, clearly giving away that he was less than happy with me. I groaned, really hoping I wouldn't have to deal with him being like this once I asked what his problem was. I hated when he ignored me and stormed off. He seemed to like doing that rather than confronting what he was actually angry about and it just made for even more issues.

"You're certainly giving off a different vibe to what you're thinking you are then lovey." I sighed again, catching up to him at another stall he'd already looked at. "Can you just talk to me Rog?" I asked, grabbing his arm before he could stalk off again, making him roll his own eyes with a grunt. "What is your problem with me today?" I quizzed, just wanting a straight answer. I honestly couldn't think of anything I could've done since yesterday that would put him in this sort of mood with me. Things were fine when I went up to bed last night and now suddenly I'm the worst person in the bloody world! Roger didn't reply, only trying to pull away as I tightened my grip on his arm, not letting him run off again. "Rog, what the fuck is going on?" I sighed for a third time, almost pleading with him as he finally locked eyes with me.

"I walked in on you this morning," He muttered, his tone firm as he pulled his arm from me forcefully. I raised an eyebrow at him, confused as to what he meant by that and why he seemed so angry about it. He walked in on me where? Doing what? "in bed with Brian." He finished, now glaring at me like I'd just snogged the man in front of him or something else completely absurd like that! My first reaction was to laugh at his seriousness, snorting back a small chuckle as Rog's glare only harshened, him now looking like he was ready to strangle me right here. "What's so funny?" He almost growled as I tried to calm myself down, not wanting to make the situation worse as I took deep breaths to try and stop my laughter.

"I don't understand why you're so put out darling." I shrugged, struggling to stop laughing as I covered my mouth with my hand to suppress some of it. "We were only sleeping." I added, finally calm enough to talk to him properly without bursting into a fit of giggles.

"You were practically on top of him Freddie." He scoffed, his tone still stern as he eyed me off. I genuinely didn't understand what he was so miffed off about. I only went to Brian for some advice and we must've fell asleep together at one point. I don't see why it was such a big deal.

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