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I'm so so so so so so sorry that I've taken FOR BLOODY EVER to get this done and up. I hate that I made all of you wait but I've just been struggling to find the motivation to actually finish the chapter 🤦🏽‍♀️ I've not run out of steam though, and this story is still going, I've just got a bit on at the moment so my updates will be less than I'd like, I'm sorry 🥺 but I hope you all like this chapter and I'm sorry it's a little cut off, I didn't want to make it too long!
Thank you all again for your patience and for still being here! I love you all! 💕💕*

"I can't believe you somehow managed to convince me to let you do this." John scoffed back a laugh, the nerves in his stomach still sending some butterflies floating around as he watched Freddie carry their son in his baby sling. He wasn't sure how the frontman managed it, but he was somehow able to convince him to let him out of the house with little Archie wrapped tightly in the sling, the baby snuggled perfectly into his Baba's chest as he picked up his napping from earlier.

"He's fine darling! You don't need to stress!" Freddie reassured as he glanced over to his love pushing the empty pram beside him (they'd brought it with them in case Archie made a fuss and wanted out of the sling). "He's fallen asleep anyway so he can't be too uncomfortable." He added with a shrug as he rested his hand on his little man's back gently.

"I'm not worried about him being uncomfortable Freddie, I'm worried about him falling out of the bloody thing." John scoffed again, thinking that whether Archie was asleep or not was the least of his worries when his son could end up falling to the ground at any moment!

"He's not going to fall out, you numpty." Freddie laughed, shaking his head at his boyfriend as John rolled his eyes, not taking Freddie's word at all. "He's wrapped up so tight I'm surprised he's even breathing!" The singer snorted out the joke, causing John's eyes to widen quickly.

"Freddie!" He shouted loudly in the middle of the street, earning the attention of a nearby couple as they both stopped to glance over out of curiosity. "Don't joke about that! Is he okay?!" He panicked as he stopped to push himself over Freddie's shoulder to check on the bub.

"John, he's fine." The older waved him off, rolling his eyes as he knew he'd strapped Archie in perfectly well before heading off.

"Do you know that?! Is he breathing okay?! You're not squashing him too much are you?!" The new Dad continued to panic, only making Freddie hold in another laugh as he shook his head. He was so proud of John, proud of just how far he'd come in the last few months. He knew his partner was worried he wouldn't be able to cope with being a parent, the younger lad spending more time fretting than anything in the last few weeks of his pregnancy, but Freddie soon saw a change (for the better) once Archie was here and in their arms. John was overwhelmed the first week (as any new parent would be) but the bassist soon found his groove and rhythm taking care of their little one and had shown just how brilliant of a Dad he was going to be. After everything he went through before he and Freddie found each other, to everything they've faced together, John had proven he could tackle anything life threw his way and Freddie could feel his heart swell just thinking about their lives together and how much they'd grown as a couple. "Are you even listening to me?!" John sassed, snapping Freddie out of his lovely thoughts quickly as his boyfriend looked ready to throttle him.

"Yes." He snapped back with a smirk, not being able push away the cheeky part of him that loved ticking John off as the younger rolled his own eyes. "He's fine lovely, see." He said seriously, shifting Archie gently so they could both see him snoozing away happily, his little mouth moving ever so gently as he seemed to be suckling in his sleep. John let out an "awe", his heart feeling as though it doubled in size as he watched his son, his whole world, sleeping peacefully.

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