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*Oof a two parter, ya know this'll be good!
I'm sorry I've been gone so long but this chapter is about 1000 words over how much I usually write so I hope that makes up for it!

*A Few Days Later*
"I don't mind going alone Fred, you're busy and that's fine." I said seriously, trying to convince Freddie that him staying to record vocals would be what's best for the album while I went to my next appointment with Penny alone.  The label had really been pushing us to get this album out (since we'd had such a long break between our first album and this one) and we were all working in overdrive to get things recorded and ready.

"You shouldn't have to go alone lovey. I should be there. I want to be there." He huffed, seeming annoyed that he had so much on his plate at the moment. We'd all recorded (for the most part) our parts of songs we already had written and it was now all down to Fred to get the lyrics recorded to. We'd need to go back and add harmonies and backing vocals and things, but today was the only day our producer had free to get all the main vocals done and dusted.

"I know you want to be there love, and I want you there too, but it's just a routine appointment, nothing crazy." I shrugged. "I'll be fine going alone so you don't get your head bitten off for not doing your job quick enough." I added with a grumble, annoyed for him that our band manager had been on his back more than everyone else's these last few days. It was like he expected everything to be perfect the first take, and as talented a singer as Fred is, that's not always going to be the bloody case!

"But what if they're big enough to know the sex? I, I want to be there for that." He said seriously, looking worried that I was going to know before he would.

"I'm not going to find out without you, you dork." I laughed, cupping his cheek sweetly. "If they're big enough then Penny can know and she'll just have to keep it to herself until we're there together." I reassured.

"I don't like the idea of you going alone." He pouted, trying to worm his way out of his work to come with me. I usually couldn't resist his damn pout, but I wasn't going to get him in trouble with management. He needed to stay.

"I'll be fine Fred, don't stress." I said seriously. "I'm a big boy, I know how to get to the hospital and back by myself." I joked, making him roll his eyes at me. "I'll be fine love." I added, showing him that I really was going to be okay going alone. I didn't want to go alone, I always wanted Freddie to be involved with our baby as much as he could, but he needed to get this done and Penny was due to go out of town tomorrow anyway, so this was one my chance at my next appointment with her. I couldn't reschedule (she insisted on me having monthly check ups, what with my pregnancy being high risk and such).

"I know you'll be fine." Freddie sighed, his arms resting on my waist. "I just worry with you being alone, that's all. The weather is crazy out there and, and I don't want you getting into an accident or anything." He said quietly, looking nervous as he bit his lip.

"I promise you I'll be as careful as I can." I smiled softly as he nodded, seeming to give in to the idea of him not being with me today.

"Freddie! Are you coming to do this?! We don't have all day!" Our producer suddenly shouted from the control desk outside the recording booth, not looking impressed with having to wait for Fred and I to talk.

"I'm going to smack that guy into next week if he doesn't stop shouting at me." Freddie muttered, his back turned to the man as he rolled his eyes. "Does he know that there won't be a bloody album if I don't sing it?" He snapped, shaking his head with a sigh. I knew Fred and our producer weren't the best of friends, what with them both having completely different directions they wanted the album to go in, but I didn't realise it was becoming so tense between them.

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