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*Lol this chapter is part number 39 of the book and I just had to laugh at that 😂
I hope you all enjoy a little insight into how Brian is feeling in this chapter! It may get a little triggering for some in his POV though so just a warning 💕*

*One Month Later*
"FREDDIE!" John shouted suddenly from the couple's shared bathroom, his voice loud enough to send the frontman into a panic as he jumped out of bed to rush to his boyfriend's aid.

"Yes lovey?! W-What's happened?" He rambled, his breathing heavy from the running he did to get from the bedroom as quickly as he could. "Are you okay?" He asked, taking John's hands in his own as he looked for any signs his love was hurt.

"Nothing's happened, I just wanted to get your attention." John replied, feeling fine as he shrugged, watching Freddie with a giggle as he only rolled his eyes.

"Fucking hell John." He groaned, continuing to breathe deeply to catch his breath (he really was too unfit!). "You need to stop doing that! I, I thought you were hurt or something. I thought that something was wrong!" He exclaimed, feeling like an idiot for rushing in when everything was fine.

"Sorry love." John laughed, dropping one of his hands to cup Freddie's cheek sweetly. "It's sweet you were so worried though." He smiled, biting his lip adorably so he couldn't stay mad at him.

"You shouting for me makes me worried, you nut." Freddie chuckled himself, shaking his head as he pulled the bassist closer to him, his free hand resting on his waist. "So what was it you so desperately wanted my attention for then, hmm?" He asked, smiling himself as his eyes settled on John's face, him never getting over how beautiful the love of his life was. John, not saying a word, took one of Freddie's hands, moving to rest it gently on the small swell that was his belly, his tiny bump sitting perfectly under the singer's much bigger hand.

"It's bigger now." The younger smiled, feeling his heart swell at the idea of his baby growing. It was a lot realer now he could see a difference from a few weeks ago, and he couldn't help but feel excited for what was to come in his pregnancy. Freddie's eyes and smile widened as he took in the moment, his eyes never leaving his hand as he felt butterflies in his stomach again (which happened whenever he really sat and thought about the baby).

"They're really in there." He breathed out, almost in awe at what was happening as John couldn't wipe the smile off his face. He was proud. He was proud that he was giving Freddie everything he wanted, a family. He could see how happy the baby already made Freddie and he couldn't wait until they could feel them moving or kicking to see how giddy and excited his love would be then.

"It's so strange seeing them grow in there." John chuckled, soon finding himself checking out his bump in the mirror each time he got into the shower to see if it was growing. He never thought he'd be this excited about having a baby but he really was a little over the moon, especially knowing that he was doing this with the person who meant the absolute world to him.

"Can I...can I try something?" Freddie asked, biting his lip nervously as he flicked his eyes to meet John's again. The younger nodded, unsure what his boyfriend was going to do as he moved to kneel in front of him, hiking his shirt up a little to expose his stomach. Freddie cleared his throat (as if he was about to make a bloody speech) before taking a deep breath. "H-Hello little baby," He said softly, John's eyes widening as he realised what he was doing. "I'm your D-Dad." He added, his voice wavering a little as he struggled to push back some tears. Freddie couldn't believe that this was his life. He couldn't believe he was talking to his baby, this tiny baby that was a part of him! "Well your Baba, if you like." He laughed lightly, his words sending a smile to John's face as one of his hands settled in his lover's hair, gently brushing through it as he spoke to their little one. "I uh, I just wanted to tell you that we love you more than anything and I'm so grateful you chose us to be your family." He sighed, leaning to press a soft kiss to the exposed skin, John's heart almost exploding from the love that was flowing through him. "I uh, I hope that was okay." Freddie blushed as he stood back up, fixing John's shirt before fiddling with his hands awkwardly.

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