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I sighed to myself as I reached up into one of the top cupboards in the kitchen to find some aspirin. I had a thumping headache and decided to take something and have a lie down to hopefully push it off before Fred got home from work. I love him don't get me wrong, but he could be very LOUD sometimes and I knew I'd end up worse if I didn't try and fight off the pain now. I didn't want to snap at him like I knew I would if he made me feel even worse than I already did, he didn't deserve that. I felt around the cupboard for a bit before pulling out my box of aspirin. I had to use the special kind you dissolve in water because I couldn't take pills. It was usually meant for kids but I'd never been able to swallow medicines and had to use it for myself. Freddie made fun of me at first for it, joking around a little before eventually letting it go like he always would. I knew it was weird but hey, it's the only way I could stop any type of pain I had so I had to take it this way. I pulled out two tablets and filled a cup with water before dropping them in to dissolve them. I leant against the counter while I waited, rubbing my temples to try and find some relief from the thumping of my brain against my skull. I knew it was a stress headache and I knew it was caused by this job fiasco. I felt like shit that I couldn't find a job. It wasn't fair that everything fell on Fred's shoulders because I couldn't find work! We needed all the money we could find at the moment, and I hated that I was spending all day at home rather than bringing in extra cash. He worked everyday this week alone and he always seemed so exhausted when he came home after a long day. I hated that he was overworking himself because of me. I moved in and now everything's doubled. The bloody estate agency even almost doubled our rent when they found out there were two of us here and poor Freddie could barely afford the rent as it was! He shouldn't have to be the one who provides for us both, it wasn't fair.
Once my aspirin dissolved I chugged down the cup and rinsed it in the sink beside me. The water always tasted horrible after putting the pills in but I had to have something for my head that I could already feel was getting worse. After that I grabbed a fresh glass of water and decided to head to Fred and my's bedroom to lie down and hopefully get some sleep. I wouldn't tell Freddie, but I'd been having a little trouble sleeping lately and always suck out to the lounge while he was lying peacefully asleep. I didn't know why but I'd been waking up anywhere from 2-3am and so I'd take a book and read a little on the sofa while he was snoozing. I was guessing it was to do with stress too (since I was nothing BUT stressed at the moment) and I knew that once I found a job things would get back to normal. I just needed to find something! I made my way to the bedroom, keeping the door open in case someone phoned or knocked on the front door, before sitting my glass down and collapsing onto the soft duvet. I was almost asleep as soon as my head hit the bloody pillow, the amount of time I'd been up and awake taking its toll on me. I'd just settled into the bed, finally feeling comfortable when I heard a bang on the front door, snapping me out of my calm trance instantly.

"Fucking hell." I groaned, debating whether or not I should even bother getting up. Fred had a key so I knew it wasn't him, and I really didn't want to get into it with our neighbour again over a "tiny issue" they had that would soon turn into a full on row! That's speaking from experience with the lot next door, nosy sods. The banging only continued as I stayed in bed, whoever it was not getting the memo that I didn't want to answer the damn door.

"DEAKY?!" I heard Roger yell, making me groan yet again. I loved Roger, I did, but I really wasn't in the right mood to be dealing with him today. He, like Fred, was LOUD and I knew that I'd end up snapping at him too if he didn't shut up after a while. "JOHN I KNOW YOU'RE HOME! LET ME IN!" He shouted again, somehow even fucking louder than the first time, causing me to get up out of bed quickly before the neighbours actually did come out to find out what the heck was happening. "DEA-KY!" He sang, continuing his knocking as I finally reached the door, pulling it open to scare him.

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