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I finally got around to finishing this chapter I literally started months ago! 🤦🏽‍♀️
I'm so so so so so sorry it's taken me so long to get my fucking shit together and post this but HERE SHE IS!
I know it's only one chapter but I promise there is more to come, don't worry about that!
I legit just finished typing it so I hope it's good for y'all, I haven't proof read! I just wanted it up!
Thank you again for supporting me and this book through what we can all agree was a SHITTY FUCKING YEAR 😅😂
Your support is amazing and so generous and I honestly love you all so much, so thank you times one BILLION! 💕💕💕💕
I hope you enjoy this chapter!!!*

"So are we knowing the sex today or should I keep it a surprise?" Penny asked with a smirk as she fiddled around with some buttons on the ultrasound machine while Bri got himself comfy on the bed beside her. I myself was trying my hardest to keep Ivy snoozing as I shuffled my chair closer to my love's side, wanting to be able to hold his hand like I always would when we saw our baby (Ivy included).

"I think we want to know, don't we Rog?" Brian asked, quick to look to me for an answer as he seemed a little unsure himself. I know I wanted to know. I think knowing makes it so much more exciting (and easier honestly), but we hadn't really discussed if we were going to find out or not.

"I'm happy with whatever you decide love." I smiled, not wanting to force my opinion onto him. I wanted to know yes, but if he didn't I wasn't going to push him into finding out. I could wait, he didn't need the stress.

"Well you're no help are you!" Bri scoffed, making both Penny and me chuckle as he shook his head. "I wanted to know what you think!"

"I think that I don't mind what we do, as long as you're happy." I smirked as he sent me a glare, not impressed with my joking tone. "I'm happy to find out today if you are." I added, taking his hand in mine. "And if you'd rather it be a surprise then I'm happy with that too." I smiled again.

"I...I think I want to know." He bit his lip as he looked at me, almost as though he was nervous (which he really didn't need to be).

"Then we'll know." I nodded, giving his hand a squeeze. "I'm honestly happy with whatever Bri." I reassured, earning a small nod back as he sent me a smile, looking adorably cute as he blushed a little under my gaze. "We could have another little princess." I smiled myself, my eyes quickly on Ivy as she lied in my arms, still sound asleep. She fit perfectly there, like my arms were made to hold her and keep her safe. I couldn't wait to meet our new little bundle, to be able to do all of this again, but I was going to miss the feeling of being able to hold and bond with Ivy. She was already getting almost too big to hold like I was and it was breaking my heart. She's my baby girl, I didn't want her to outgrow my cuddles just yet.

"Or it could be a boy and poor Ivy could be really outnumbered." Penny laughed herself, Bri and I joining in. I had a feeling that we were having a boy this time, just judging on how different Bri was this pregnancy compared to his last. He wasn't as hormonal, had barely any cravings and things just FELT different. I obviously didn't mind the sex of the baby and I had no preferences, but having a little boy would throw a whole new dynamic into our lives and it made me a little bit more excited thinking about us potentially having a son.

"Rog thinks they're a boy." Brian nodded at me, a small smirk on his face as I rolled my eyes playfully. "What? You do!" He chuckled as Penny continued to set everything up. "Having a boy would be so different for us." He added, our eyes meeting again as I nodded. We've gotten so used to having Ivy and thinking about girly things that having a boy would be somewhat of a game changer for us. I guess with us both being men it could come easier, but it would just be strange having boy things around after buying so much pink!

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