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"FREDDIE!" John screamed, his whole world crumbling around him as he pushed past the police woman to rush to his boyfriend's side. "FREDDIE NO!" He sobbed, being held back again by another police officer before he could reach his partner. "NO! NO I, I NEED TO SEE HIM! LET ME GO!" He cried, trying to fight out of the much stronger man's grip as he watched his love being loaded into the ambulance waiting for him. He couldn't believe it. This couldn't be happening. He had to be dreaming. This whole thing had to be a bad dream!

"I'm sorry but I can't let you through. We need to get the patient to the hospital as soon as possible." The officer explained, his words going right over John's head as he kept his eyes locked onto Freddie's limp body. He looked dead, and if he wasn't going to the hospital John would think he WAS dead just by looking him over. He wasn't moving or talking to the paramedics like Roger was. He looked unconscious. He looked gone.

"I-I need to be w-with him. Please! Please let me b-be with him. He, he needs somebody. P-Please. He's, he's my b-boyfriend. P-Please." John begged, the tears still falling as he looked up at the larger man. He felt as though he could collapse as he fought every part of him that wanted to sink to the ground and just sob. He couldn't fall apart, as much as he wanted to, he knew he couldn't. He needed to be with Freddie. He needed to be there for him and he couldn't be if he couldn't hold himself together (as hard as it was for him to do that right now). "I, I just need to be with him. I don't want him to be alone." He added, trying to push away some tears as he wiped his cheeks off quickly. John didn't want Freddie to wake up alone. He didn't want him to go through this without somebody there with him. He needed somebody there to hold his hand and tell him everything was going to be okay. He needed to know he was loved.

"I can't let you go sir, I'm sorry." The policeman said seriously, John's heart dropping as he thought his speech would've gotten through to the man. He needed to be with Freddie. He couldn't just leave him!

"You don't understand! I need to go! He, he can't just go by himself!" The bassist exclaimed, growing ever more frustrated as time went on. "I, I need to be there for him! Please!" He begged again, panicking a little as the doors to the ambulance slammed shut, cutting him off from Freddie instantly. "He, he can't go alone! I can't leave him. Please! You, you're probably married or have someone you l-love, would you just leave them alone?!" He sassed.

"Sir I-"

"Please!" John cut him off, his heart aching as he pleaded, willing to get on the fucking ground and beg on his hands and knees if that's what the guy wanted! "I, I don't want him to wake up all alone, not when I'm h-here and can be with him."

"I don't think-"

"Is everything right to go?!" One of the paramedics shouted suddenly to the officer, the man looking down at John before letting out a sigh and a head shake.

"He's going with you." He said seriously, John's heart jumping at the idea of finally getting to see his love and suss out how serious Freddie's condition actually was. "Don't make me regret this." He said sternly, John nodding before taking off for the ambulance.

"Who are you?" The same paramedic asked, raising an eyebrow as she stopped him before he could even ask her to open the door.

"I, I'm his boyfriend." John answered. "I, I need to be with him. H-He can't be alone." He said seriously, just wanting to hold Freddie's hand and be there through this.

"Mate, this isn't just-"

"Please!" John snapped, frustrated with everyone he'd encountered today. Why couldn't they just let him be there for his boyfriend?! "He, he's the father of my baby, I need to be with h-him." He sighed, her eyes widening as she looked down to his stomach. "We need to be with h-him." He added, hoping that he'd win her over with a quick little bump rub thrown in too.

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