Chapter 19

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Drishti's POV:

I left my house after biding a small goodbye to Rakshit when Neil called me to meet him at our usual hangout place. It was my birthday so I could tell that he might have planned something. Something enormous that Rakshit could never.

My imaginations went to the wildest level as I reached the pub. He was standing outside in an expensive gucci outfit in his black and blue Lamborghini along with some friends. He reached for me once I was visible to him and caught me in a side hug.

"Hey Drish! Get in, I have a surprise for you" He said, trying to peck my cheek but I got away before he could.

"Surely your majesty" He tossed his eyes and got inside.

His friend were kinda fun except the part where they went in some deep explanation about things I was clearly not comfortable with. I kept waiting for the destination so that I could get myself out of this car and away from his friends.

"We're there" he excalimed and walked out of the car and opened the door for me. "May I?" He said, forwarding his hand. At some point my mind stuck a chord.

Was I doing something wrong?

But then I instantly shrugged this feeling and slid my hand in his with a smile. "Sure"

We entered one of the best clubs in New York City which was decorated romantically and lavishly with red roses today. "Happy birthday Drishti" he whispered in my ears and his arms went around my waist mischievously.

"Oh my goodness! This is wonderful Neil!"

"Did you like it?"

"Like it? I freakin loved every single thing of it!" I exclaimed turning back and putting my arms around his neck. Everyone beside us began hooting and clapping with that happy birthday song starting after it.

The party went on and I tried Returning back as Rakshit said he woukd be waiting for me but everytime I attempted that, Neil would stop me. When he asked the reason I couldn't tell what was that.

My marriage was a secret and now the thought of him waiting for me and me ditching him and enjoying here with Neil was making me feel guilty.

The night went and the day set in but still Neil kept me with him as his own personal trophy. He was not even a perfect like Rakshit. He yelled at me on my own birthday when I asked him to stand a bit away from me as he was crushing my feet. He would never listen to me when I would talk about something and that fact irked me.

The day went roaming around and the night once again set in. This time he lead me towards a,



Okay, he is either on hash or weed. "When did you have your last dose?" I asked him. This was the time when I wanted to see his head separated from his body. I came with him when a lovely husband was waiting for me at home and here this fucking bastard brought me to a graveyard.

Why here? Whose dead body should I mourn over? His?

"Oh no babe. Just come along. Trust me It's all for you"

A graveyard just for me! What could be more perfect?

"I'm flattered at your surprise Neil" It was clearly a mock but it went straight above his head as he smiled widely at me rubbing his hairs.

He brought me to the middle of the damp dark graveyard till got a strange chill in my stomach. On my birthday I was standing in the middle of a graveyard! Perfection!

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