Chapter 58

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Don't get confused, this pov starts from before the incident. The chapter is divided into two parts, one is morning part when everything was alright and second is the explanation of the night part when Drishti was heartbroken.

People in my life are crazy But I love them Just as they are

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People in my life are crazy
But I love them
Just as they are


"Rise and shine sleepy head!" Drishti whispered in my ears and pulled the blanket off me, jumping on my stomach and giving rise to the feeling of throwing up due to the pressure.

"Ah, Drishti let me sleep! The whole night you kept me waking and now you are waking me up at seven in the morning?" Yesterday night ws a tough one. It felt like I needed to borrow extra ears to listen to the story line of random tv series she watched recently.

Not forgetting that rapid fire round she had me play with her.

What were we?


"No Rakshit, you need to get up, It's urgent! Pleaseee" She shook me harshly by my shoulders, thus jerking the remains of the drowsiness clinging to me.

"There's nothing so urgent Drishti. Today is Saturday! And if you forgot, we are here at your dad's home. No work, no college, no nothing! So why do I have to get up" Normally she would be sleeping till 11 in the morand today, she just sat up jumping beside me at seven am. "What's the work though?"

"Romi and Vicky want to take you out with them so badly! Like a boy's day out you know" Fun fact: she was the one who was not willing to leave the room because of those two just because they would come between us and now she was sending me away with the same morons.

Going with them also wasn't something I would do when I was sober. I still remember what they did the last time we had a boys night out.

Yeah,that when they came drunk and we three slept on each other like dead bodies piled up on the bed.

"My brain is absolutely fine. Thanks for the offer but tell them I don't want to go anywhere with them. I'd rather have my head cut off" I mean- it ain't become a reality, so there were no heights of assumptions.

"Please don't deny, please please. They want to go out with their lovely friend. The one and only- Rakshit The Magnanimous!" I won't lie, something was fishy. Extremely fishy. "For the sake of friendship? You love them, right?"

Two minutes pause besides staring at each other. Not required, but loved it anyway.

"Nice try" I leaned towards her and kissing her forehead, pulled the blanket on me again "But I'm still not going anywhere with them"

My life was like- whenever I went, be it with Drishti or Romi and Vicky, I had to apologize to everyone else due to one reason or the other whose root causes were the people with me.

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