Chapter 23

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Drishti's POV:

The morning turned out to be a lazy one for me, for I didn't wish step out of my bed. The fact that it was the first time I was clinging to Rakshit while sleeping added some extra sleep to my eyes. But this cliff to which I stuck like an giant octopus was so adamant on disturbing my sleep.

"Get up princess. It's ten. I am getting late for work" he whispered in my ears, trying to push me away but the bond was stronger than of fevicol adhesive.

"Good morning to you too Rakshit" Yawning with the good morning wish, I looked up into his black eyes exploding with restlessness.

He was getting this golden opportunity to sleep with me but he was letting it go. I, Drishti Sharma was no ordinary girl. There would've been a line of guys dying to be in his place and he was simply letting it go.

"Princess can you just get up so that I can get ready for my office?" Irritating me with his continuous pleas, he somehow managed to escape from my grip and went straight towards the shower room. I huffed and as now my sleep was all dead I ran into my room to complete my shower before he came out.

The fact that he was just finding an excuse to stay away from me was hurting me somewhere. It was Sunday, the day when we used to sit together, talk and see movied one time.

I skipped soaping my body and completed rest of the task just that you can 'call' it a shower. I mean, no one could say I didn't shower.

Running down the staircase I positioned myself in front of Rakshit's bedroom room from where he would be coming. After waiting in vain for fifteen whole minutes a voice came from behind, "Why are you standing there?" My face formed some of the most frustrated expressions ever and I looked back at him only to find him having his bowl of cereals in the lobby.

"When did you?!" I murmured to myself before I could realize that it took me half an hour to lotion myself and fifteen extra minutes to decide what I would be wearing.

A thing not so usually seen but I wanted to tell him to stay with me so my super intelligent guy friend, my brain suggested me to seduce him resulting in me performing undying stupidity.

"Aren't you hungry?" He asked me, forwarding me another bowl of cereal while I nodded in a 'hmm' and sat beside him to eat.

It's now or never.

Some part of me was telling me to speak but another told me to wait for the right time who even God wouldn't know when will it come for me. Soon he finished his breakfast and left the dishes in the sink, "Don't wash them. Last time you did, you messed up more than you cleaned" he complained blankly without any expressions.

His behavior was same these days but today it made a slight difference, he was being thoughtful today instead of the hurt look he would hold. I know at a time I had been carried way and went with Neil, kinda stupid of me.

Rakshit took his bag and hung it over his shoulder, about to leave when I stood in front of him blocking his path, "Rakshit please wait"

"Somebody is saying please?" His eyes widened in awe while I was practically irritated at his reaction but somehow contained it for I wanted him to be with me.

I didn't want to be all alone, I wanted to be with him.

"It's Sunday" he simply shrugged and replied, "Yeah, I know but I'm doing over time today" Saying this he walked towards the front door, after wearing his shoes he looked at me for a final goodbye before walking away.

And the door was shut in front of my eyes. He had left me alone.

Rakshit's POV:

It was not everyday she would apologize but yesterday night her apology showed that she still was a good person behind the nature of a spoilt child. Today was Sunday for sure and I was leaving for my overtime at the work, that was according to her.

Nowadays the financial conditions were not that bad. I wasn't broke like she used to make me. With her not spending most of the money on fancy unnecessary items and at clubs and all, I had secured a fairly good round sum of money.

She might be thinking I left her all alone but I feel she couldn't catch that my last look held hope. Hope that she would ask me again to stay, but she didn't. I truly don't blame her for this for it's not easy to change all of a sudden. It would take her time to get over herself and start caring for others and I was okay with that. She could take ad much time as she wanted. All she needed was a reason to change and I wanted to be that.



Returning home around 5pm, I rang the door bell with a small surprise for her. She came to open the door wearing a yellow tank top with dark blue denim skirt and pair of black and white company-hidden shoes, her hairs tied in a pony with two flicks hanging down her temples.

"Are you going somewhere?" Was the first question I asked her. She nodded her head in a no and stood there for certain moments before getting aside and letting me in.

Like yesterday, she stretched her hand for my bag while her head bowed down for her usual self won't allow her carrying my bag. After I handed her my bag she kept it on the couch and stepped forward for my jacket. Her hands reached the top of my jacket and she stood behind me when I held her hands and made her face me.

"Mm. What happened?"

"I lied to you" I confessed while her face held a shocked expression, she looked at me demanding answers and I started, "I wasn't at work"

"What?!" While inhaling a large amount of air she screamed. I forgot that this girl could never be polite.

"Relax, I was gone to college. I know you must be bored staying at home all day and the college had arranged a trip to destination 'X' So I went to college and paid the fees along with the trip fee for both of us" I wasn't sure if me accompanying her would be a good mews or a bad news for her but I wasn't going to leave her all alone.

It was too risky with Neil over there who tried misbehaving with her once. Also that she was alone enough to get herself into trouble.

"What?" Her eyes went wide in excitement and she started jumping holding my shoulders screaming, "Oh My God! I am going to the trip, I mean, We are going to the trip!!" At least she remembered me the second time.

"Wait Drishti, I have to ask you something first" stopping her at her place, I made her look at me, excitement and happiness never leaving her eyes. I didn't know it would mean this much to her, sometimes she's just crazy and difficult to understand. "There is a problem"

"What problem Rakshit?" The speed with which her color faded was worth watching. Trying to control my laugh I told her what the problem was, "It's tomorrow. I have been notified earlier but it skipped my mind so I didn't register our names"

"What!! We are going tomorrow! But I have got nothing! You've got nothing too! And where's the freakin food!!" If I didn't tell her that we were leaving for shopping, she would be having a heart attack right now.

"That's why I am taking you for shopping so let's-" before my sentence could reach it's completion, an overly excited Drishti screamed "Shopping!" held my hand and pulled me towrads the door.

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