Chapter 15

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Fearing my life now after previous comments. °.°

Pov's POV:

"I am so proud of you Neil! Once again you are the captain! I knew it" Drishti fake shrieked in Neil's hug. They were standing in a corner of the corridor with Neil's hands holding her waist firmly which she wished to push away and her hands around his neck. The college was over and the hallway was empty.

"I know it when you're faking. You have to make it look real love. So how about celebrating at our favorite club this evening"

"Did I ever say no to you?" She said pushing him away and moving towards her Locker. Placing her books in her Locker she was about to go when he pulled her towards him. He pushed her against the locker caging her in his arms. "Leave me Neil"

"Come on love. We two are a thing now. We can progress a bit" He whispered in her ear and her expressions went somewhat blank.

"I am not a 'thing' Neil. No body treats me like that" She pushed him away and tried walking away but he caught her wrist and back hugged her.

"I didn't mean that. You know how much I love you" His hands snaked around her waist pulling her closer and she hit his stomach with her elbow.

"Only in front of people. Don't you dare touch me in private or even in public. A couple of weeks and you'll leave my life" She ran away from his grip while he ran behind to catch her. Both of them were running in the corridor but he wasn't able to catch her. The moment she ran outside they stopped running and looked at each other. "We are too big for this" She patted his cheek, pretending they were playing as she saw people watching them and they bid each other a goodbye.

Each incident of the hall moment was noticed by Rakshit. He couldn't believe his own eyes. Nothing hurts more than seeing the person you love with someone else.

Something in him broke, which couldn't be healed. Tears expressing anger, sadness, jealousy, betrayal flowed down his eyes as he saw his princess with the one whom she would chose as her king. He felt a hole in himself, his spirits flew away but his love didn't.

For him, she meant a lot more than just true love. If she was fire, he wanted to be the fuel to her. If she was an ocean, he wanted to be the water in it. If she was a princess, he wanted to be the King who would make her a 'Queen'

Neil might be treating her as a princess, but he treated her as a queen. Neil might be a man but he was a gentleman. Neil might be the crush of many, but not to forget he was also Rakshit who kept ignoring every girl, Searching for someone to complete him. The scream in his silence, the boldness in his serenity, the venom in his acceptance. And she was that lost part of him.

He was taking the keys from his Locker when she came running and bumped into him. He put his hands around her waist to help her stand properly. Her body shook convulsively for sometime being as her hands were around his nape. A small sigh escaped her mouth looking at the slight tears he held on his face. He noticed her face looking pale, as if something was bothering her.

"You okay?" She asked him wiping away the tear and cupping his face. He nodded his head in positive without any expression. "Then who stole your stupid nasty smile you idiot?" She used her fingers to stretch his lips into a wide smile.

"Will meet you in the parking" He showed her the car keys expecting her to accompany him.

"Actually I am going with Neil" She hesitated. These words coming directly from her mouth was another blow to him.

"You and Neil?" He stammered as his voice quivered with the lump in his throat.

"Yea-yeah" she stuttered. "Just a friend"

"Ok" He Smiled. "You know, I have also qualified the final trials. I am the Centre Player" He expected a nice gentle reply from her side as per her soft behavior over a past few days.

"Omg congratulations" she screamed as she circled her arms around him. Not telling him that she was there to watch the trails to give him company.

Unknowingly his hands tightened the grip on her waist. Possessiveness giving way to the insecurities.

"I need to go though" She pushed him and got away through the hall towards the exit. Another tear flew down his eyes.

"She has got you wrapped around her finger Rakshit" Vicky sighed and wiped his tears. "She is lucky to have you"

"When will I be lucky to have her?" He exclaimed, looking blankly in her direction.

"She is all yours" Vicky spoke in full confidence making Rakshit look questioningly at him. "She never makes an eye contact with you except when she is angry. Her body stiffened the very moment when you touched her and her breathing was unstable too dumbo. She ran away when you held her which meant she was nervous. She didn't call him as her boyfriend at least. You know she could've. Something else is going on. And that rumor was from his side not hers" He smiled and left while Rakshit remembered the moment and blushed ruffling his hairs and catching up with Vicky. "You were right. She is lost and needs some guidance"

"She will soon realize" He smiled back.

"Afterall you're a charming bastard as far as I remember you from our childhood Rakshit!"

"Before you shifted the place when we were six and left me alone" He raised his brows at him to which Vicky made a I-am-sorry face. "You're a completely new person Vicky. And please handle your girlfriend Natasha for me"

Another update today!

This one's for miss_stranger_09

Duh, let me complete hacker and bodyguard then I will explode this one!

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