Chapter 34

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Changes might take timeBut they are obvious to happenAnd so I believe, you willMight not today But really soon

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Changes might take time
But they are obvious to happen
And so I believe, you will
Might not today
But really soon


Her hand was intertwined with mine as we were walking away from the sleeping personalities to find a place where we could talk. We reached a pretty calm place not far from everyone but still away from their eyes.

"Sit" I said to her and settled down with her such that I was leaning on the tree for support and she was facing me directly with nervousness expressing itself through her eyes. "Let's clear it out, everything that is on your mind. What did you want to say?" Gently taking her hands in my lap, I smiled at her expecting it to relieve her of some nervousness.

"I told you. I like you" her lips tightened into a thin line as she looked away changing that line into a pout that she was using to hold the air of impatience inside of her.

"I know" I smiled to her again, examining her face in the slight moonlight peeping through the leaves and falling on her face making it glow. "I need some tim-"

"Why?" She pulled hands back and looked at me with a semi broken expression "I don't want you to say you like me. All I want to know is that why are you asking for why do you need time? Are you planning to leave me?"

"Drishti no! How can you even think like that? If I wanted to leave you I wouldn't have married you, or would've left you long ago. How can you say such a thing?" Why was she even thinking about the thing which was never supposed to happen. She was thinking too much.

Examining her recent behavior I was sure that she had lost track of herself and was flowing further into the whirlpool of emotions which would cause no good but only harm to her if she continued to overthink with her heightened emotions.

"Then why? I just need a chance Rakshit. Don't take that chance away from me" she bowed her head and sighed silently.

No matter how strong or how bad you are, when it comes to the people who are close to you, you always have that soft corner which comes to light.

"Hey" cupping her face with my left hand I lifted it to face me and encountered her curious eyes looking for her answer "I didn't mean that. I will never, ever leave you. You're my wife, and nobody in this world can change that truth"

"A divorce paper can" she chuckled and covered her face, trying to be serious for the situation but couldn't be.

"That's just a legal formality. What about our vows? What about the ring? What about everything? A piece of paper will only say you're not my wife, but it can't break the ties between us Drishti. Not now, not ever. And as far as giving you a chance is related, you know what that means to me?" She tossed her head in a bright no while changing her position "It's for you to find"

"Is that a yes?"

"Stupid" I groaned in surprise that after all what I said she couldn't figure out. "Yes"

"Okie then" the sadistic look on her face was replaced by a bright smile along with which she threw herself at me in an instant and wrapped her arms around my neck. "Now that's like my husband!"

"Yeah" I whispered, pulling her closer to me. Honestly, going back a few months, life wasn't going it's right way, something would always come up and try tearing this marriage apart but somehow it kept itself safe with all the efforts that were put in. There were times she pushed me away, when she was close, the fear that she could slip away anytime persisted, that fear ruined the beauty of all those moments we spent together.

And now here I was, holding the person who was so precious to me, without any fear of closing her. Just a matter of time and the 'I like you' will come as 'I love you'

"Rakshit?" She whispered in my ear, still maintaining the same position. When I hummed in response she continued "Don't you want me to change?" It came as a low whisper holding despair, her grip on me increasing every second till I gave my reply.

"I don't"

"Why?" Breaking the hug, she looked at me in pure surprise wondering why I didn't want her to change.

"Because I know, you'll change yourself without me asking you to. If you don't mind can I say something?" With a positive reply from her side, I pulled her back and settled ourselves in the same position like today morning, she was in the middle of my legs with her head rested on my chest and arms wrapped around my waist. "If you actually like me, you'll try making me feel happy, comfortable and your behavior towards me already has a massive change, right?" She hummed in response and bowed her head in guilt of what she had been doing in the past "slowly you yourself would want to change, and at that time" lifting her head to match the level of my face I joined our foreheads and cupped her face with one of my hands "I will be there for you"

"I will want a change?" She asked innocently, and I nodded "and you'll be there?" I nodded again "for me" her eyes widened in awe with a faint sweetish smile never leaving her face as she looked at me with hope and loveliness.

"Always" her face dropped down to hide the smile she had at that time. Counter smiling at her I kissed her forehead and laid back to rest in the same position for a few more minutes before we had to go back and mix with the rest of them.



"I'm sorry" she whispered "for all the things I ever said, or ever did to you. And thank you, for never leaving my side, for being there in every situation even if it would have been not so easy for you"


"Can we spend the night here? Alone" her sound came as whisper for another few minutes due to her sleepiness. It was clear that she didn't want to leave.

Call it sleepiness or something else that made her ask the question, she was feeling happy and so was I.

"Sure, we can" I could feel her resting peacefully with me, without any fear, without any resistance and without any hate.

It was taking time but that time held it's own, it's own perfection which could never be matched. Closing my eyes I started waiting for sleep to take over me when I felt her soft lips on my cheek, gently pressing more and more into it. I didn't retaliate, nor react, just lost myself in the feeling of the first ever kiss she gave me. My stomach started feeling somersaults inside it with every coming sensation that I felt in it.

"Good night, Rakshit" she whispered and soon lost her consciousness to give way to sleep.

Thank You for a 3K!!!

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