Chapter 22

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Rakshit's POV:

"And this is how I spent my entire day sitting in the kitchen and fighting with that darn piz of a za!" There was a time when I thought she would really massage my head 'quietly' but instead of being quiet she put forward an hour long narration of how she made the pizza, or rather say 'piz of a za'

"Fantabulous, now if you don't mind I am dying-" before my sentence could reach it's completion, the looks on her face tensed while her hand rested between her chest that heaved up all of a sudden with a large gasp of air. "You are dying?!"


"Oh my! Nooo! Rakshit no!" I got my head up from her lap and tried to budge but before I could leave the bed, her tiny body sprang forward as she snaked her arms around my neck 'for the very first time' and cried "You can't die so soon!" After a heavy sigh, I held her arms and untangled them from around my neck and turned towards her leaving them.

"Nobody is dying princess! I was just saying that I am dying for a sleep!" Her lips curled into a 'o' shape as she scraped her head in slight embarrassment not before showing her teeth sheepishly to me. I gave her a tight liped smile and pointed towards the door, indicating that it was the time when she should leave but she looked like she wasn't in a mood to leave me alone tonight.

It's been a long time that we had talked properly or rather say just talked. There was a time when I trusted her with everything, trusted that she would tell me if anything was wrong with her. It wasn't that I would ever tell her a no.

Was that too much to ask for?

When she spent spending everything on her branded items, there came a time when I couldn't manage enough for the groceries. I was broke at that time. It was Vicky that helped me out with everything, knowing that how much of a devilish princess I got for a wife.

And for now I have decided this one thing that this time, I am not going to trust her. She has to earn it if she wants to.

And to be really honest, there was this time that I wanted to start professional boxing training but I had to drop it because I had a little to pay for that along with school. Second reason being my anger issues that were lately not any problem. When things got right Sarthak sir had me marry his daughter and that was when I thought that she could be the one who would be by my side by, always relling me 'You Can, Rakshit' when I would think I couldn't.

"Rakshit?" Amidst this little flashback she shook me harshly, coming between me, the flashback and my sleep.

"What?" I spoke as frustratedly as possible so that she could just go away but my words left her unaltered. She rather smiled again, something she never used to do before this way.where this way refers to an excessively creepy way, scaring the shit out of me.

She sighed in nervousness before finally deciding to move onto the main topic, "Why don't you talk to me anymore?" I smirked at her, she was acting as if she was completely obscure of what and why of the situation.

"Don't act so innocent princess" Speaking these words lightly that came as a whisper I laid down in the bed and pulled the blanket over my head, trying to ignore her. "Good night princess"

There was no reply, just the voice of the door being closed came after a few minutes indicating that she was gone. It was just me and the light of the lamp alone in each other's company now like before. My nights had not always been full of people. Just Vicky a few times.

The thought of her leaving me alone again had just started revolving in my mind when I felt slight crawling moments on the bed. The left side of the blanket opened and the light of the lamp revealed the person to be Drishti whose lips were joined in nervousness as she crawled inside the blanket right next to me, snuggling into my arms and placing her head on my chest.

I turned towards her to ask her what was wrong but that only caused her access to me increase. Her arms snaked around my neck and her head buried in my neck. "What's wrong princess? You okay?"

"Yeah" she replied timidly, guessingly intimidated by the close proximity which was by far the most intimate thing ever happened between us. "Just, just feeling alone when you're gone"

"You could hang out with Neil since you don't trust me"

"I-I-" her attempts to form a suitable sentence failed miserably with the continued stammering, her breathing was uneven and her toes could be felt curling up near my feet. She didn't have much friends, and after what happened on her birthday she broke her ties with them too. "I'm sorry. I was just afraid that you would go to jail" she cried.

I haven't talked to her properly for a long time. And I couldn't stay mad at her for long.

"It's okay" I whispered in her ear, caressing her hairs simultaneously. Even if the feeling of holding her close to me was phenomenally strong, I restrained from putting an arm around her unless she looked at me with guilty eyes. Despite the fact that we both knew how much she wanted to apologize properly, her attitude didn't allow her to.

"Rakshit I-I. I wanted to say that- I-I" she tried her best to say something which could be a good detailed apology or perhaps something else but she couldn't. With that level of stress she couldn't. And if talking to me was a stress for her, I would rather not listen to that, even if it was an apology.

"Sshh" my hand went around her waist and started rubbing her back to calm her down. Her head rested on my cheek while she clung to as if never wanted to let me go. "It's okay. We can talk about this tomorrow"

"You will?"

I stopped for a second, how long would I stay without talking to her? Maybe she would've been regretting or maybe she wanted to talk about something important. "Yeah, I will"

We remained in that position for a comparatively long time when she spoke, breaking the dead silence "You remember?" After taking a sigh, she continued, "You remember, there was a time you would never leave my room till I didn't sleep on the days that I felt alone"

"Hmm" was my only reply to her statement. There was another round of silence which was dominating the time. When I thought she might be asleep another sound came from her side. "You were always there"

"And You were never"

Silence prevailed in the room once again before she spoke again, "I know" There was this sheer moment of pause in her tone after which she continued, "And I'm sorry"

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