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Sarthak's POV:

My princess was still sleeping despite the fact that she was getting late from her college. I asked servants to wake her up but they were glancing at each others faces, reason?

Who wants to get insulted so badly, that too for absolute no reason?

Finally when one of them went to wake her up, her loud screams were heard. Every word that she spoke was audible to us and it was clear how she kept insulting the care taker. When she came down the look on her face was calmer than her screams, yet it was necessary to try not to mention any thing she hated.

"Morning Dad" She hugged me and took her seat to have her breakfast.

"Morning, Princess. But the way you were sleeping for more than nine-"

"Dad please, you know I don't like waking up early" she rolled her eyes at me and pulled the chair out to have a seat beside me.

"Princess you have to change your schedule a little, you know, waking up early has several benefits" My attempts to explain her any good thing were always hated to be futile, but I still tried.

"Nah. I m fine!" She said, making several weird expressions and continued having her breakfast.

"Princess your attitude, It's not right. You should have a positive attitude and care for every person who is with you"

"My attitude is my everything dad. Don't start your usual lecture. You know I hate talking like this you but please understand from my point of view" Her point of view was something I could never understand.

"I know that my daughter loves me but, I don't like seeing you this way" Being strong and confident was another thing, and being the way she was, was another talk.

"Bye dad! I am going!" She scoffed as she placed her sandwich back and left the dining table grabbing her favourite chocolates.

What can I do with this girl? She was always so bossy and sour minded.

How many times will I get a complaint from her college regarding her?

She needed to change her attitude, even if she respected me, what she treated others like wasn't acceptable. And if she talked to me like this then what about others? I didn't want to imagine that.

Thinking about my only child, my daughter, I went to my office and as ususal I was greeted by my sweetest and most hardworking employee, Rakshit Shergill.

He was an orphan who worked day and night to make his both ends meet. Just opposite of my daughter. He was humble and affectionate, a perfect man who could do anything for me. Seeing his diligence and hardwork in the past, I had sponsored his higher studies. He was in his final year in Business Studies and did a part time job too which payed well. He usually came in the afternoon after his college but many a times I could find him in the morning, today being one of the days.

"Good morning sir" He touched my feet as a sign of respect and gave me one of his positive smiles.

"Good morning my child"

"What happened sir? You look not well. Anything bothering you?" Rakshit had always been good at reading other person's expressions and coming up with the right solutions to their problems. Seeing me disturbed for the past few days, he finally asked me what was bothering me.

"Nothing" I lied, but he was always good at reading me.

"That's not true sir. I can sense it. It wiuld appear small mouth big talk but I am finding tht you are melancholic since past few days"

"Just my Princess. I mean, My daughter"

"Anything wrong with mam, sir?"

"You know. My Princess is-"I sighed "what to talk about her. She's a spoilt child and all mistake is mine. After her mom died I was blinded in her love and I raised her so. The whole mistake is mine. I couldn't be a good father. I should have corrected her when she went wrong"

"No sir. You are the best. You could never see your daughter in tears and always gave her what she wanted. It's like If a father don't give his child anything then also he is bad. If he gives his child everything then also he is bad"

"You are right Rakshit. But she ain't a normal spoilt kid. She's too much and I think too much more than I think. If she behaves with the housekeepers and servants like this in front of eyes then I can't imagine what she does behind my back"

"So what are you going to do sir?"

"I don't know Rakshit. Just need time to think what could I do" I patted his back and smiled at him while he left the place and started his work. In my office also my mind kept pondering over several suggestions which I lately got from my friends.

I was looking outside the window and spotted Rakshit helping an old day who had come here for some work and was going to stumble down. He helped her stand and brought her some water, in return she blessed him and kissed his forehead.

It reminded of something.

An old cook of Sharma mansion stumbled in front of Drishti and was crying for someone to help but she glanced at the old woman and tossed her eyes and put on her headphones listening to music and taking selfies. When I came I made the lady stand and asked Drishti why she did not help her.

"That's obviously not my job. I ain't her servant!" She walked into her room as she don't like arguing with me.

She is bad but respects me, but that wasn't enough. She shouldn't be taking things for granted.

Rakshit, on the other hand, was so generous, caring and lovable making me feel that my daughter must learn to be like him. She must change herself a little bit, so that she valued what she had, the people around her and respect other's feelings.

What should I do now? What should I do?

After thinking hard for two hours I finally reached a conclusion which seemed perfect to me. I called Rakshit to my cabin and he came in smiling and touched my feet, again.

"That's not needed everytime Rakshit."

"You are elder to me sir."

"Rakshit...." my voice seemed to be stuck in my throat but I managed to speak somehow when he hummed in response "Do you remember you told me that you can do anything for me?"

"Yes. Ofcourse sir. I am still on my words. Everything that I am today, even capable of making a living, that's all because of you. I am debted to you sir"

"Then today I am giving you a chance to remove the debt" I sighed.

He looked confused and asked me what I meant. I turned towards him and held his shoulders, finally speaking out.

"I want you to marry my daughter, my Drishti"

I was pretty confident that he would not deny at the end, while he stood numb at my statement and hesitant to agree initially "How can I sir? I mean you are my boss. How can I marry your daughter? I am just a middle class boy sir"

"That's the fact. You are normal. Not like anyone else. Only you will be able to change her. You will be able to accept her and love her like no one else can do. Boys may wander around her but I don't want her to take any wrong decision. She won't marry without my consent but I know she would request in such a way that I will accept my defeat"

"That's true Sir. But will she adjust with me?" I immediately folded my hands in front of him.

"Please. Marry my daughter"

He got a hold of my hands and after several requests, he spoke a feeble audible yes. After convincing him and telling him how his life wouldn't be so easy after the marriage, important about her, I decided to talk to my daughter.

Sorry Princess but I had to do this.

Good evening!

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