Chapter 31

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The Way I See It If You Want The Rainbow You'll See The RainAnd Before the RainComes the Strom

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The Way I See It
If You Want The Rainbow
You'll See The Rain
And Before the Rain
Comes the Strom


Following Vicky's plan seemed nowhere near maturity to me. If somehow we lost a track of the way back to the camp who knew what would happen. Moreover none of us had any idea of the dangers that could be approaching us. His plan got a confirmation only when he showed us the map and a forest report saying that the forest had no wildlife to be afraid of.

Drishti was walking in front of me with the bag hung on her shoulder without any sign of difficulty. She was among those who felt the task difficult in the start just because they are not used to it but once they start doing it, it's like they have been doing it since ages. She had some trouble carrying the bag with all the weight in the starting but as time went by it became a piece of chocolate ice cream for her.

Natasha and Drishti did not like each other much but they still managed to not kill each other during this journey. We separated from the main group once we found the right moment and slipped further into the forest following Vicky which wasn't a sensible idea to mention again.

"Do you where is he taking us?" Drishti stopped in her path to look back at me with the thought that I knew where was Vicky taking us.

"If I had why would I be scared that Mr. OverSmart Pants is leading us" I sighed joining her for the walk.

She smiled at me before we started walking towards our unknown destiny when Vicky stopped us by showing his palm "And now we'll have some rest. My feet have given up. Take your respective girlfriends or wives or boyfriends or husbands and get some privacy Thank you!"

"Who would want to be with your girlfriend for God's sake?" Drishti whispered under her breath, replying to the word 'respective' he used. Much to my dismay it was heard by Natasha who looked at with a fake smile.

How could I let her insult my friend?

Juggling between being a good husband and a good friend, I felt myself losing who I was to who they wanted me to be. Drishti wanted me to be the perfect ideal person who I was in the starting- listening to her, not questioning her and forgiving her for everything she did. Natasha on the other hand wanted me to break my ties with Drishti saying she didn't deserve me.

Why is that people always think girls try to save their marriages at any cost? Guys can do that to.

If I hadn't seen that part in her which was craving for someone to fill the empty space, to drive away all the horrors of being alone, I would've simply denied for the marriage.

Now, when I knew she needed help how could I leave her fighting with herself and her insecurities all alone. Not could I let her insult my friend.

"Drishti please" holding her arm I pulled it, slightly indicating that she needed to stop. Luck favouring me, she simply tossed her eyes and muttered a low "She's a real sweetheart" and sighed before glancing back at her passing her a wide smile.

Natasha also shrugged it off but not before nodding to me in negative indicating me that she wasn't happy with the decision I was making. Between the two none of them really asked me what I want to be and lead my life with whom. They wanted me to break the ties other girl which was indicated by their actions but when did they ever try to get along just for my sake?

And here I was.

Being a man I've been taught to respect girls, to never break their hearts but at the end in the eyes of the society I would be either a stupid pessimistic personality or just a sociopath wagging around girls.

We've heard that girls stick to the person whom they really love. Men do that too. When I say I love her I really mean it and have made up my mind that no matter what I won't be backing off our wedding vows.

Only if I haven't seen that in her so called relationship with Neil she was faking it, Only if I haven't felt that she needed me as much as I needed her, only if I haven't felt that she wasn't the person whom she pretended she was, I would've given up.

She was someone I wasn't and I was someone she wasn't. The relationship ain't perfect, but tell me which is?

No matter what I would stand up for her and my friend, won't be chosing between them. And if they love me, they will sort their hatred out.

"Let's go. I have an important topic to discuss" Drishti held my hand and pulled me away from everyone, taking to a distant place where nobody could find us for the half hour Vicky told us to relax.

"What happened Drishti?" She was standing near a tree with her back facing me. I could feel some awkwardness in her eyes when she asked me to come and sit by her eyes.

"Can I ask you something?" She spoke after a moment of awkward silence between us when we settled down and I rested my back against the tree.

"Lol, from when did you start asking me?" Trying to make the moment a light hearted one I laughed at her until she sat beside me and took a deep breath.

"Look, I don't have the habit to beat about the bush when I'm clear about what I want to say. I will be straight to you" her hands tucked her front hairs behind her ear and she looked me direct in my eyes.

"Relax, you can tell me later" assuring her with the best confident smile I could give, I looked towards the trees and their branched which were waving rhythmically with the wind.

"What? No! I want to say it now only" The fact that she was impatient was clear to me but her over enthusiastic behavior was building up nervousness mixed with a tint of excitement in my heart.

"What's so important that it couldn't wait?" I leaned in forward to listen what she had to say when she kept her hands on my shoulders with a swift moment and glaring at me who was trying to hold back a good laugh when she did that.

"Don't distract me" when I nodded in positive and she was confident that I won't laugh she turned my face towards her and cupped it while scaring me with the expressions that her face formed at that moment"Open your ears and listen carefully. I would repeat it only once. Means I would say it once and later when you'll give a 'what' reaction I will reapeat it. So better pay heed to what I'm saying"

I nodded my head brightly while my heart went 'Oh My God!' in excitement. She looked at me with full confidence and had these three words escape her mouth which left me galvanized at that very place.

"I like you"

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