Chapter 33

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It's crazy you meant Nothing to me onceAnd All of a suddenI don't want to let go of you

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It's crazy you meant
Nothing to me once
And All of a sudden
I don't want to let go of you


Things started going in a smoother way than what I imagined them to go. Even if Rakshit didn't give a proper answer to my question, I would clear it up tonight asking him properly for a chance. With the hope that tonight we'll be alone for a talk, I kept following Vicky along with everyone else.

We've spent times together, nights together but the feelings never found their way to come to light. They hid somewhere in the darkness, not trying to show up unless mistakes make an appearance.

Silence was dominating the time, none of us spoke a word, It was just was just us and the nature's pretty little sounds reaching our ears. Vicky and Natasha were walking in front of us, Romi and Divya were behind us. We were walking together by prescence by none of us tried looking at each other or say a word.

My face slowed down when I looked at him with fear creeping inside of me terrorizing me with the constant over flow of negative thoughts saying that he would never be there for me.

No matter how tough you are, how strong you are, when your loved one leaves you or the thought of losing a person close to you comes,

That shit hurts

And that doesn't really see the person whom it's reaching.

Same was the case with me. The only difference was that I would not be showing it to other people unless it's really necessary and would try till I could. Letting go of the people I truly like was never a part of me. So was he, an important part of my life now, such important that I didn't wish to let him go. Not now, not ever.

"Calm down. You've got this!" A harsh tap on my shoulder followed Divya's advice who was just behind me when I slowed up. "You know that, right?"

"I do" I smiled looking at her and wondered what did I do to have a friend like her.

Oh yeah and Romi too.

I picked up my pace and matched my steps with him confidently, keeping aside all the negativities which would, under every circumstance, ruin the beauty of this walk. "It's so beautiful, right?"

His lips quivered for a brief moment of time as if he wasn't really into talking at that time but soon the quivering paused only to be substituted by a sweetish smile. With his face turned towards me he nodded and looked at me for the time long as much as my eyes didn't turn away from him. "It is"

"Yeah, it is" smiling at him I heard a low hooting voice coming from behind before Romi lunged at Rakshit and took him forward for what he called 'A Man To Man Talk'


After Rakshit was taken away from beside me, I was joined by Divya who adjusted her arm in the tiny space between the side of my waist and my arm, and gripped my arm firmly. "So, how's it going?"

"Good" a few moments of passing smiles to each other created a further different situation of awkwardness between us. Walking behind everyone we knew what we had had to talk about but we didn't.

"Look Drishti, I know you won't like the idea but-" Divya sighed with a look of tiredness in her eyes and nervousness in her body posture "Do you actually want him to be with you?"

"Obviously. I'm dead sure. I don't like everyone Divya but once I do, I do never let them go. And I'll be doing anything for them, you know that too"

"Yeah. But" she held in a pause before continuing in a low voice "What if he asked you to change yourself? I know-"

"What do you mean Divya?" I pulled my arm back from her grip and looked at her in a deep galvanized state for sonic moments. "Why do I need to?"

"Drishti please. Even you know. He dosen't speak, but his eyes do. He wants you to change, not everything in you but just the way you treat people, or your over the board classy attitude"

"But why? I mean, I know I ain't good enough but I ain't welcoming no more fake people by being that Goodie Goodie good girl I once was" Divya's idea sounded like a whole disaster to me. Maybe Rakshit wanted me to change but Divya or Romi could've asked me to change also but they didn't.

"You grow irritable real easily and I fear he would ask you to change, please don't be mad if he asks you. For once, take it under consideration and give him time to explain, please? For me?" Yeah this is good, she would use her 'for me' to make me agree to most of the things she said.

"Ok fine. I'll see what he says and react accordingly. After all my life isn't crying around after somebody. If he rejects me, which he never will, what do you think. I'll be simply giving up?"

"I know you won't. You do everything for the people you love, even for your dad you are a bit bitter but still you never fail to love him" she smiled at me with the reference to my father.

"So, what do you want me to do?" I asked her, looking around me when everyone stopped. The sun was taking it's leave and the night was setting in. We were im the middle nowhere, surrounded by a bunch of creepy looking treed with a stretch of stars embroidered all across the sky. "Wow" I gasped.

"Just be patient and listen to him. Let him explain" smiling cheekily at me, she went towards the others and inquired where we were.

Vicky stood in the center and asked us to gather around him so that his voice was audible enough. "We'll be spending tonight here, get your sleeping bags and gather around this tree. Let's have some fun! And some talks!"

I looked over to Rakshit who signaled me to wait and walked towards me. When he was beside me he leaned in to my ears and whispered "We'll talk when everyone is asleep. It doesn't look good nor feel happy to ditch our friends so. Okay?"

"Ok fine!"

We gathered around in a circle and settled in our sleeping bags. I was sitting between Divya and Natasha while Rakshit was sitting between Natasha and Romi. Starting from me the sequence to my right was Me, Natasha, Rakshit, Romi, Vicky, Divya. And again me!

The night seemed longer than ever but cheerful with it as all of us talked, laughed, sang in dying crow's voice and passed on meaningless jokes. Everyone went to sleep with beside their partners real soon due to the fatigue from the journey and after a full fifteen minutes, Rakshit got out of his sleeping bag and offered me his hand. "Come"

Which update tomorrow?
1. Miss Classy And Mr Sufficient
2. If We Have Each Other
3. None

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