Chapter 39

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I know what I did was wrong But I only care what you feelNot about what anyone else says

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I know what I did was wrong
But I only care what you feel
Not about what anyone else says


When reached my room, I locked the doors behind us and moved towards the bed crossing him. As I sat down bowing my head and tried to get all the things out of my head, I felt his hands wrapping around my shoulders and pulling me closer. "Are you actually okay? Whatever they said-"

"I don't care about anyone else" I said, looking into his eyes and slowly removing my shoes to sit properly on the bed with my legs folded. "All I care about is you, what you think of me, what you want to do to me. I mean, you want to stay or leave. And as you said you'll never leave me, I don't care what anyone says"

"Then? Why do you look so pale? Is it because of Neil?" He asked me. Why was he always so good at finding out the things that bother me? I bowed ny head in guilt of the past mistakes I had done, he sighed and cupped my face while turning it towards him. "You don't understand, or you don't want to"

"What?" I asked him as I was not sure about what he had to say. I wouldn't have been with Neil, if I knew I would end up liking you Rakshit.

"It's the past Drishti. If we will be clinging to what happened in our past, how are we going to shape a perfect future for us? Perfection is our own term to describe a thing, and for me. A life with you will be perfect. Isn't that all you want? To be happy, and to be with me?" He mumbled the last line in a low whisper, not being sure of it himself but didn't let it be conveyed through his expressions.

"I want to be with you" wrapping my arms around his waist, I rested my head on his shoulder.

How weird life gets sometimes.

A few months back I was cursing and insulting the same person without any day off and now I couldn't get enough of him when he was near me. The situation did feel special, it did feel soothing with each and every hug we shared, each and every time time he would hold my face showing his care and lo-

Ok, that's all for today.

But, love? Can it ever be between us? What if I started loving him? what if he broke me later? What if I messed things up and he would be forced to leave?

Can I ever love him?

Even if I did, will he love me back?

I looked at his face while thinking about all these things while he smirked at me and faked a strong blush "I know I'm extremely handsome but don't look at me like this, or you'll end up falling in love with me"

His smirk faded and awkwardness consumed the situation as he realized he just mentioned 'love' in his sentence. This happens when the joke you supposed to crack turned out to have another plans for you and ends up landing you in an awkward situation. But the situation wasn't awkward for me, first of all we were married, and then it was supposed to happen some day I guess.

No situation is awkward unless we make it. If we don't want to make it awkward, it would never be, but the situation will be awkward if we made it.

"What do you want to do now?" Rakshit asked me. Wondering his reaction to my request, I hesitated for a moment but the firm comforting look on his face had me speaking it out at the end.

"Can we leave? And go back to our home, where we will be away from everyone, from this stupid gorilla Neil" I groaned in frustration while he chuckled at my reference for Neil.

"We can. But" he paused for a brief moment and patted my head while thinking something. If I guessed it right, he was thinking about his friends.

"We all can go back and spend time together. I won't create any trouble between you and your friends. We will be together and enjoying the time, I promise I won't disturb your friends" I sighed.

"Our friends" he corrected while caressing my hairs to comfort me for the moment.

I faked a small laugh before lifting my head to look at him. "Our? They don't even like me, it's clear how much they hate me"

"Drishti, they hate you, but it's all until you try being a friend to them. Once you'll start interacting with them they'll start loving you, the same way I do"

"You what?" I blinked my eyes at him and thought of the words he just said. Was it a slip of his tongue or did he actually mean it? "You?"

"It was just a slip of tongue" he stammered and turned his face to the other side to avoid me from seeing the look he had on his face. "Don't consider the last line"

"That they'll love me?"  He turned his face towards me with a jerk and widened his eyes at me.

"No. The next one. Like I do" closing his eyes in frustration, he covered his eyes with his hand and sighed. "I'm so screwed. Why do I speak what I don't mean?" He confessed.

"Oh, I see" Awkwardness Ultra Pro Max.

I chuckled looking at his face before moving my eyes to the other direction and avoiding any sort of eye contact between us. "Drishti, I didn't mean that. I mean, I do but I don't. I mean" Rakshit was trying his best to explain himself but couldn't find the suitable words for the task. At the end, he gave up the attempt and kissed my forehead "Pack your bags, we'll be leaving in an hour"



"I was thinking, if" breath in, nreath out. You can say this "If we invite everyone over to our house, everyone, by which I mean our friends. As we are leaving. This way we can spend some time with them" Awesome work myself. Proud of you.

Rakshit smiled at me and said "Okay. But only if you will be the one inviting them, meeting each one of them personally" For Divya and Romi, I would. But how was I going to face Vicky and Natasha when there was a distance of the ground and the sky between us.


"No, your ghost. Ofcourse you"

"You think it's funny?"

"Maybe" he chuckled.


"Ok fine! Sorry. Serious mode on" he took a deep breath before doing what was a regular thing nowadays. "I won't force you Drishti. But I will be extremely happy if you tried. Rest is all on you. If you don't want to, I will" kissing my forehead, he left my room telling me to finish the packing soon.

He had already done so much for me. Couldn't I personally meet Vicky and Natasha to invite them to stay over at our house?

For him, I will.

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