Chapter 25

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Name change:- Alvina to Natasha
Privous parts will be edited soon

People who have problem with the story line quit reading, please. I am not going to repeat the reality that a person can't overnight. Thank You. The story will get a bit rough sometimes but kind of stable too.

Ps: I have never been to the place so :)
*samajh rahe ho* In short only the name is similar but the setting of the place will be according to me (;

Rakshit's POV:

Natasha was quite for most of the journey. From a friend's point of view I could understand her insecurities and fears but what she couldn't understand was that everyone deserved a chance to change. Even if Drishti was a bit of vinegar tempered, liked by only a few she too deserved a chance to change.

I had promised Sarthak Sir that I would never leave her side in this state of hers and I am still sticking on to that.

The lakeside was not exactly what we had expected it to be when we came to know it was Drishti's favorite place as informed by Divya's loyal servant. It was fairly decent with a simple yet elegant cottage arranged for the stay of visitors. As soon as we got out of the bus the teachers asked us to check in to our rooms as per the arrangements made which were not very satisfying.

My roommate was my clingy best friend and Romi. An okay to that.

Drishti and Divya had Natasha as her roommate. Drishti and Natasha were not okay with that, which was clearly evitable from the intensity of the glare they passed to each other.

As per our college had decided, we would be spending a whole two weeks here which was impossible without at least one dead body of a girl being found.

"Either you are turning a widower or Vicky needs to find a new girlfriend" Romi sighed, sipping on his coke casually.

"Better than being a loyal servant" Said Vicky while stressing on the word servant.

"Okay, you try pranking her and then we'll see what happens to you" Romi glared back at Vicky, still not letting the empty bottle of coke leave his hand.

Seeing him holding the bottle Vicky grinned at him "And what you exactly planning to do with that thing?"

"Recycling bro, as I couldn't recycle your unused brain" Hitting Vicky's head with the bottle almost thrice, Romi put the bottle back in his bag so that he could throw it into the recyclable trash can. "Nutcracker"

"Add two dead bodies. I'm gonna beat this bitch up" There was a time when I thought handling Drishti was difficult but handling two grown up fools who would be sharing the same room with you had it's own complications.

"Fools" I murmured under my breath realizing it would actually be fun seeing the two fighting over little things.

Finding friends with the same mental disorder as you,


And Vicky had found one.

In spite of Romi being another rich kid, he was nothing like Drishti. It took him just a few minutes to be friends with most of us here. Owing to his personality, friendliness, sense of interaction with others and his ever positive aura, mixing up with our college students wasn't a difficult task for him.

At this moment Vicky and Romi were seen racing to the room for both of them wanted to use the washroom first. Vicky was the first to reach the room. As he pulled the doorknob to get inside he yelled "Aha!" for his short lived victory. The advantage of the situation was taken by Romi who screamed "aha ha ha!" before running into the room while Vicky was still holding the doorknob.

This is why you shouldn't celebrate too early.

"Fuck You dude!" Vicky rushed in behind Romi who didn't like the statement given by Vicky.

"Sorry bro, I have a girlfriend!" The sound of the washroom room being slammed was heard which was followed by a groan of frustration.

"Filthy vulgar creature!"

I smiled at the situation and entered the room. Vicky was lying like a corpse on the bed, like no movement at all. "Ok Vicky, you've had enough for now. Let's just arrange our almira for now"

On the adjacent table, I put my bag down and looked for an almira. In the name of an almira there was a huge disappointment in the corner but still usable for the time being.

After Romi came from the washroom we threw our bags inside the almira, deciding that we'll arrange our clothes later, over a heated argument between Romi and Vicky.

It was going smooth between us but for most of the time I kept wondering what would be going on inside the girls room.

The night had already fallen due to which none of us could go and check on the girls. The sole reason being restricted by the teachers to visit any other room the first night.

They had information that right on our first day some of us had this plan of sneaking out and enjoying the beer near the lake.

But who knew if it was true? Or just a self created theory whom nobody gave a damn to.

The three of us couldn't check on the three of them even if one of them was a wife to one of us and other four being in relationships, complicated relationships of loyalty(Divya Romi)and unwanted conundrums (Natasha Vicky)

"Don't worry Rakshit, Divya will handle everything. She's smart unlike Natasha and Drishti" Romi tried to console me but it wasn't helping.

Divya was her best friend besides Romi but when it came to her anger issues she didn't even listen to her own father which was why I feared at some point. But these days she was feeling lonely.

The feeling of this loneliness and ever increasing emptiness may make her react in a slightly different and more understanding way.

On the other hand if Natasha's anger and insecurities succeeded in giving way to hatred for Drishti, then it would surely be no less than a war for none of them was a person who would easily give up her ego or anger.

"Good night everyone" We wished each other good night after which another quarrel for bed broke between Vicky and Romi.

"What am I going to do with them?!" I sighed before taking the one single bed for which the whole fight was for. This left Vicky and Romi with the only option to share the double bed.

"I say this now! If any part of you touched even the single molecule of me, I will see you in court for molestation" Romi spoke, building a wall of pillows between both of them.

"As if I'm dying to touch you" honestly, being with both of them made me forget about the situation for the time being.

"I'm sassy and I know, God bless me!" After praising himself Romi laid down on his stomach while Vicky shut the lights off.

"Good night, don't let the bed bugs bite!" In an comparatively happy voice Vicky sang while jumping on his side of the bed making the sound of the landing audible.

"I'm never letting you sike bite me, geez!" Dialogue Dilvery check!

"I hate you" groaned Vicky.

"I love myself too" chuckled Romi.

"Welcome to the group Romi" I whispered, closing my eyes.

A few seconds went on peacefully when a faint sound was heard and one of them jerked off the bed falling on the floor. "What the heck!" Romi screamed at Vicky who replied from inside his blanket "Duh, that's natural"

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