Chapter 14

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Rakshit's POV:

"And that's how I cheated professionally in the mock test" She said self praising her own self while we were driving to the college. Today the final trials for the basketball team were to be done and I wanted her to be there.

"By the way princess?" She looked at me "Will you, I mean, today the final trials are there. So, if you are free then you could come" I explained her indirectly.

"Man, I have my class" She said, getting out of the car and standing between the car and the door. I just wanted the day to arrive soon when she would claim me as her husband. And I would do anything for that. "But I'll bunk. I'm so good at it" she laughed.

As she left, I parked the car and went inside the campus. Walking past the hallway I found Neil standing with Drishti. They were looking so close and happy with each other.

I wanted her to feel the same way with me. Special, cared and loved. Over a past few days her behavior had changed. She used to talk politely to me, eat whatever I made without throwing any tantrums and agree to compromise the time when I was out.

Firstly I feared that she would feel lonely. But thank God she didn't. Even though I knew she still takes money from my wallet without telling me but as far as her happiness is concerned, the money means nothing to me.

I took my books from the locker while watching each of their close physical contacts and headed towards the class.

"Hi Rakshit!" One of my favorite people, Natasha treated me with a smile.

"Hi Natasha" We both shared a hug and started discussing about our today's classes. "So, how is your health now?" Lately she had gone sick. Love sick!

"Oh shut up Rakshit" She blushed and ran away before I could say anything. Wish Drishti would blush the same way at my references. Feels good.

At the trials

The trials worked out pretty well. I was selected. Being the tallest among all the players I was the Centre player. Our captain was Neil Khanna. I hope the fact that she likes him somewhat don't come in between me and Neil. I have heard that he had been selected as the captain for the third time now.

The selected players were left in the auditorium now. We went to Neil and congratulated him for being the captain this time too.

"I knew it Neil!" A familiar shriek came from behind making us all look in that direction.

It couldn't be.

Drishti came running towards us and hugging Neil from the side. He tried pulling her to the front, and even if she looked not comfortable, she did that.

My heart broke at the sight of all this but hope was collecting the broken pieces. Maybe it was just a friendly hug. I can't judge her just because she hugged another man in front of me.

"They look adorable, don't they" Vicky, my former best friend who transferred here too told me.

"Um. Yeah. But who is she?" I acted as if I didn't know her. If she didn't want to disclose that she know me then I would not do anything against her will.

"You don't know?" He looked at me with wide eyes. "The whole college gossips. They are in a relationship I think"

I felt a sudden drop in my heartbeat. Hope had stopped collecting the broken pieces of my heart as it was stabbed by the person whom I loved. I gave her my heart but at this moment she seemed to play with it as a player played with a basket ball.

But these were rumors right.

"They usually hang out in the evenings, or thats what he said, she never confirmed it, at clubs and all. We can say that they are dating. To add to that, everyone's brain exploded when we came to know that yesterday Neil gifted her something expensive"

"I...I need to go Vicky" I immediately left the place thinking about each and every word he said.

Was that all about money?

Did money give her the happiness I could never?

Did I not deserve her?

Did I deserve to be alone like usual?

My entire life I had been living on my own till she came into my life dressed as a Satan in a shining suit. Shining suit of hope and love for me.

I was looking at the sky with a few tear drops falling down my face when Natasha and Vicky came and sat beside me.

"I am sorry Rakshit, I didn't know" Vicky apologized looking towards the floor. "Natasha told me everything" None but Natasha knew my relation with Drishti. "I promise it would be a secret only"

"She's a bitch Rakshit, why don't you leave her? She don't deserve you. You deserve someone who loves you. Not that filthy girl"

"She needs me Natasha. And she's not a bitch" I snapped at her but she simply sighed in anger.

"She is a gold digger"

"No she is not! Those are just rumors!" I shouted at her. How dare she called her a gold digger. "She is not a gold digger. So better mind your words"

"Oh yeah! All she cares is money and fame. Where is your name in her love list? Let me guess. Nowhere!"

"She is good. She just needs some time and space. She has been through a lot"

"Was SHE the one to lose her parents in childhood? Was SHE the one who worked as a boundboy for five years? Was SHE the one who longed for company? What did she suffer? You have suffered your entire life and now your biggest mistake is loving her"

"It's for the last time. You call her names and I will forget you are my friend"

"In a month we became such good friends. And look now. Fine. Leave me for her. At last you won't have her by your side, and you are losing your friends too" She got up and left the place in anger immediately.

"I love her Vicky" I admitted.

"That's just a rumor Rakshit, a rumor. We don't know" He leaned back against the tree beside me and bro-hugged me. "Or maybe you did a mistake"

If loving her was a mistake, the it was the most beautiful mistake of my life. Even if she played with my heart, I loved her and always will.

'I am a one man woman' She would never such a thing.

If you would have spent your entire life alone, then the first person to stay with you becomes your everything. I had abandoned myself from friends till now but her coming into my life changed it.

She ain't a gold digger. She is just an immature girl who is confused. She don't know what true love is. And I would make her feel what it really is.

I love you Drishti.

Someone's POV:

"He is madly in love with her" Natasha said in absolute anger. "He won't hear a word against her. She keeps on hurting him. And this time she had it all gone beyond limits. She is having an affair! And believes that she is confused. If my friend's heart is broken in the end, so will that bloody devil girl's bones" She cut the call.

"We have a problem"

"She broke his heart? As expected"

"Yes. But he loves her like before. And I think he fell more than he did before. Everyday he is falling more and more for her"

"She is the first person to enter in his life after Vicky and he wants her to be permanent. Not like his parents who went away"

"We have to do something for them before she loses him for bad"


How was it? Ps: in upcoming story, don't kill me

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Stay healthy, stay happy and keep smiling.

Enjoy your life!

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