Chapter 11

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Drishti's POV:

I tip toed in his room while he was busy having a shower at night and quietly took his wallet and went outside the house without informing him where I was going. He told me I could take his money whenever I needed but if I told him I needed it for drinking, bye bye me.

Why should I give him any explanation? I don't owe anyone any explanation for what I was doing.

I walked towards a club as I craved for a drink.

Finally I managed to find a nice classy club named 'El-DoRado' Entering the club I found it to be indeed a fascinating one with dim lights and loud music matching my taste.

I leaned onto the slab of the counter and a bartender came asking me what he could do for me. "Four Tequila shots and two vodka shots" He smiled at me and passed me my order before stopping by me and initiating a conversation.

"Tequila and vodka combo? Weird taste" Was he trying to mess up with me? If yes, then he was unaware of who I was. Foolish of him to show audacity to mess with me.

"At least better than the clothes you're wearing" I ignored him and started throwing the drinks inside me till I was out of capacity.

"What do you think you're wearing that you are talking about me"

"Am I born to satisfy you by complementing your stupid neon purple shirt and dark green jeans? No"

"I was talking politely with you but you. Do you always talk like this to everyone?"

"The ones whom I don't like"

"Which meant?"

"Almost everyone"

I already know that no one's ever gonna love me after my dad, Divya and Romi. So here I go again, being a burden that he had to carry with him.

"You know what, you're such a mean girl. One day you're gonna pay for all this stuff. Your attitude will be the reason for your dismay. Change it soon or else Karma will hit hard" he spat.

"Judge me when you're perfect. And thanks a lot. Everyone says this to me" I waved him a goodbye and he walked past muttering low inaudible curses.

Till the time I was drinking, I didn't realize when I switched to a big bottle of bear and ran out of the money. Agh! I am out of cash. For the first time in my life.

I usually didn't drink. I drunk when my mind got out of my freakin control. This time he was the reason. Why was I even thinking about him? He was going to leave me alone for his stupid job. His wallet didn't have any money now.

"Out of money?" I heard a familiar sound and turned to find Caleb and his friend standing beside me.

"Yeah!" I sighed. He came and sat beside me ordering some eight bottles. He was behaving like a typical sponge.

"Hey, Ray take these. I'll catch up in a minute" He handed six bottles to Ray and then turned towards me. "Cheers Drishti" He offered me a bottle of beer which I took from him in immense frustration for my life I had at that moment.

I don't remember much after that as I was completely drunk and could barely walk. All the conversation skipped from my mind. I just remember him asking if he could drop me home but I denied. After that all was numb for me.

No one's POV: [Do not laugh like before]

She was walking through the streets holding a beer bottle in her hand and drinking it. Her steps were uneven and she kept stumbling here and there in a drunken fit.

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