Chapter 43

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Life is weirdYes it isBut some thingsAre just weirder

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Life is weird
Yes it is
But some things
Are just weirder


One of the best childhood memories was sleeping somewhere else and waking up in your bed. Something that recently happened with me, and I just realized that someone carried me aka the sleeping giant, all the way from the metro to the room.

Who the hell was trying to play the prank with me? No one would ever do that, and I had no psychic powers to teleport me here, or did I?

Or maybe my sensory cells had taken their last decision of leaving me so I didn't feel anything.

All of a sudden Rakshit entered the room and sat beside me, holding a cup of whiskey in his hand. Either he lost it or I was drunk, without drinking, that too during the afternoon. "Your favourite"

"First of all it's not my favorite. And next, how in the seven colors of rainbow did I get here?" I ran my hand roughly through my hairs and tried processing the situation. "Rakshit? What's wrong with you?" I asked him, when he was constantly staring at me with a low spooky smile scraing the sweat out of me.

"I don't like you" he sighed, his sentence made me jump at my position and look at him purely galvanized.

"Why? You told me you like me. What changed your mind now?" His decision changed faster than my mood on my periods and the reason was still a mystery.

"You want to know why?" Yeah, write me a two thousand words essay why I would not want to know. "You want to know?"

"Tell me now!" I shouted at him as he continued smiling and moved ahead of his place towards me.

"Because I love you" he said. Before I could react, he placed his lips on mine and started kissing me while I was still in shock but managed to keep it to the other side and live the moment. "I love you, heck, I love you so much" he cursed under his breath and deeped the kiss, pulling me closer. His hands went to the bottom of my shirt and started pulling it upwards.

"Rakshit what are you-"

"Fcuk, I can't stop!" He said and pulled the shirt above my head.

That's when I felt the pain of a hard collision of my head and opened my eyes to the reality. I found Rakshit looking at me who had just banged her head against the front seat.

Did I actually have a dream in which he told me he loves me and then we were making out in our room?

"Life is" I pushed my hairs back and threw myself back at the seat "Weird. Awfully weird" I sighed.

"What happened? You look tired" After an imaginary make out session with you? Yes I am. "You've been sleeping since long. I even tried waking you uo when the announcement was made but you were not taking the name of waking up"

"I wish I was still asleep" Wouldn't mind accepting that I was kind of enjoying the dream.

"You said something?" He asked. I nodded my head in a bright no and watched him shrug his shoulders "By the way, we've reached Princess, time to get back home"

It had been a long time since he called me that. But I preferred being called Drishti more now. "Yeah, let's go"

"Come on Divya, wake him up" Rakshit said these words pointing at Romi who was sleeping with his head in Divya's lap.

"Lucky he!" Vicky laughed from behind the seats and rose up to pick his bags from the carrier. "Natasha would have kicked me off her"

"I am not that bad Vicky" Natasha hit Vicky's shoulder and helped him taking the bags out.

"I agree" My voice was low but audible enough for everyone to hear what I said.

Don't even start with the look on their face especially the way Romi got up at an instant and looked at me google eyed and astonished.

In spite of their questioning looks, I picked my bag instead of answering them and held Rakshit's hand. "Let's go home" He nodded his head and took his luggage followed by everyone else.


Them staying at our house was nothing like a problem but which room would they be staying in was the biggest question. Everyone of us stood in the near the stairs and looked at Rakshit's face for deciding the sleeping schedule. Rakshit in turn looked at me as if any of my ideas was ever useful.

"Well, Drishti's room is upstart and mine is downstairs, I hope nobody has a problem with sleeping upstairs?" Rakshit asked.

"You live in separate rooms?!" Romi had no intention to make things awkward between us but his reference did create such a scene when Divya hit his arm with het elbow, signaling him to stop.

A few minutes of awkarwd glances and later Rakshit continued "So, the girls can share Drishti's room if they don't have any problem. We'll be in my room. And if anyone wants a single room then there are two empty rooms also" He looked at everyone and they nodded their heads without any hesitation.


"What?!" I yelled, gaining everyone's attention. Rakshit and I were like strangers for a freakin month, we spent only one day as normal people and then we were in separate rooms in the camp.

How did you expect me to react to it?

Dance my heart out that I was not staying with my husband when I actually wanted to. My bad that I was the one because of whom we had separate rooms in the first place.

"What happened to you now? Your shouting is melody while mine is shouting? I get punched or hit when I question or yell and you just get a 'what is she even doing' look. Injustice! Injustice everywhere?!" Cried Romi while cleaning his non existential snort on Natasha's shoulder. Vicky watched him do so and put his arm around Natasha's shoulder and gave Romi a look of frustration after Romi was done with his dramatic scene, Natasha was simply smiling at her friend and her bouyfriend. Divya however was pressing the sides of her temple and stomping her foot impatiently on the floor.

"I mean, I want to stay with Rakshit. Why can't you all just stay with each other in separate room?"

"Maybe because we are not married yet" sighed Divya

"Simply tell her that you can't control yourself around your handsome as Lucifer boyfriend and you'll end up snatching my respect in the night" As far as indirect death wishes were related, Romi was doing a great job making them by pissing Divya everytime possible.

"Can you please get lost?"

"Can I please speak?" I got in between Divya and Romi who would have ended up starting a massive fight for victory if I didn't stop them "I am staying with Rakshit in his room and rest you all decide what you want to do" Rakshit stood leaning on the wall for support. His hand was covering the view of his lips which must have been blushing at that time, it could be concluded from the lines of his cheeks. "It's done now"

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