Chapter 41

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I always knewYou were not as sourAs you pretended you were

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I always knew
You were not as sour
As you pretended you were


While I was in the washroom, I heard Vicky's voice from the room which sounded like he was mad at someone. His conversation with the person was not audible enough to give me the slightest hint of the context of the matter, but he seemed pissed at the starting but grew silent all of a sudden.

Finishing my business, I went inside the room and looked at Vicky's flat expressioned face and found Romi absent. "Vicky, are you all good? I heard your screaming in the washroom"

"Um, yeah. All good. I was just going to pack my luggage" he excused himself and went towards something which was meant to be the almira and started taking his clothes out.

"You're packing your bags? For what?" I asked him as I was not very sure why he was doing that.

"What?" He turend back to give me a confused look, still not answering my question "I thought we were going with you two guys and staying over at yours. Or you changed your mind?"

"No, but, who told you?"

"Your wife" he sighed and started arranging his things in his bag and placed it near my bag which laid hidden in a corner. Taking out another bag, which belonged to Romi, he sighed again and looked at me with literal annoyance dancing on his face "Now help me. That stupid got angry at me and left the room, so now I have to pack his luggage, except his inners for sure"

Smiling at him, I started helping him with Romi's clothes keeping my mind diverted to Drishti. I knew she would try talking to Vicky and Natasha but I thought it would take her a lot of time to agree to it. To my surprise she already did that and now she must be talking with Natasha which would be comparatively easier now.

Key word being comparatively.

Natasha was starting to get easy with Drishti's presence around us when she came to know about us and a few things that Drishti said to me. The basketball event might have added Drishti to her good books too. Okay, not her good book

But at least her Im-okay-with-this-person book.

While we were packing Romi's things up, I found Vicky smiling feebly between and looking satisfied with something. I did not ask him the reason because if he wanted to tell me, he would, so there was no need of asking when I knew, at the end he would tell me.

"Finally" I chirped, as we finished all the packing and put our bags on the bed. "Let me go and check on the girls, if they are ready, we will leave" Vicky nodded in positive and I started walking towards the door to leave room before he called me out and I faced him to listen to what he had to say.

"She's not that bad" he smiled and fell on the bed to rest. I smiled and when I was closing the door behind me I heard him scream "Now. She's not that bad now!"

"Idiot" I chuckled and left to the girl's room.

When I reached their room, I had to knock at the door thrice before it was answered by Divya "Oh, Hi Rakshit. We're almost done. Do you want to come inside?"

"I thought I came so that I could come inside and meet you guys" she laughed nervously and opened the door further for me.

As I entered, I saw Drishti and Natasha standing side by side with their packed bags and a weird awkwardness without any signs of bitterness on their faces. They seemed,


Which was weird because they were the ones who would be glaring at each other whenever they saw each other and today they were, fine.

"Hi, are you guys done?"

"Yes, when are we leaving?" Drishti asked me at once, without waiting for a second for me to say another line.

"The bus will be at the bus stand in fifteen or twenty minutes so we should leave now" I said.

"Okay then" said the girls and picked their bags, ready to departure.

After taking permission from one of our teachers and seven minutes of Divya trying to make Romi leave his anger on some X matter related to Vicky, we finally left for the bus stand which was not very far.

The bus was not going straight to New York, so we had to travel till the nearest metro where we would take the train to New York. "I've never traveled by bus since I was 14" Drishti confessed.

"What? You serious?"

"Yes" she sighed dramatically before putting her arm around mine as we waited at the stand for the bus to finally arrive. "But I will. Today, with all of you. Right?"


"Two birds, standing under a bus stand. K-I-S-S-I-N-G" as we were looking at each other for sone uninterrupted three minutes, we heard Divya humming which made us part. "Two birds, standing under a bus stand, K-I-S-"

"Divya" Drishti stepped forward and pulled Divya away from the place. "Stop it" even if she had taken her away from me, she still wasn't outside my hearing range so I could easily listen to what they were saying. "Don't embarrass me"

"What?" Divya whispered, loudly, "You were looking so cute together. You know, looking at each other, as if you were going to k-"

"Don't! Even! Speak! Why do you always have to do this, dumbo!"

"You haven't reached that state yet?"

"Not now. Maybe soon. Gosh this is so weird, talking about all this, and lower your voice idiot, he may hear us"

"You mean to say I am loud?" Not at all  "I'm whispering" thanks for informing. "Will you? Someday? Just like love birds?" Divya was too excited for us, more than we can ever be.

"Yes! Ofcourse" she paused before I heard her screaming silently "No, I mean. Ah! You're doing this intentionally right?"

"Ofcourse" she laughed "Now go back to your Rakshit. I know what you're thinking"

"I'm thinking to kill you somday" Drishti sighed.

The next moment I felt her presence near me and smiled, reminding myself of conversation I over heard. Well, it wasn't eavesdropping, they were loud enough to let their conversations be leaked. "And don't ever blush thinking of Kissing Rakshit" said Divya, making both of us go awkward.

Precap:- Metro talks

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