Chapter 17

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Vicky's POV:

The traffic was testing my patience when it was already at the verge of breaking down these days, especially because of my girlfriend Natasha the great who was not even concerned about picking up my damn phone calls.

She was mad at Rakshit, but why was crushing me in between her anger?

At this minute I was so pathetic of a boyfriend whose girlfriend was mad at his best friend. This girl!

Shrugging these thoughts I left for Rakshit's workplace once the traffic was clear. Even if we hadn't spoken for years but we were still the same as before.

I knew what he needed in life.

He needed a love that consumed him. He needed someone to take care of.
He needed someone who wouldn't be playing the praising and goody goody figure around him.

And there was she. For some reason I felt that she was the one for him. She was able to bring out what was within him. She was everything he wasn't.

She was feiry, feisty, impatient, intolerant, outrageous.

While he was everything that she wasn't. He was smart, serene, understanding and my best friend!

Doesn't make sense, cuz my idiot girlfriend took it with her and I needed a way to freak out my anger!

I pulled near his workplace, actually his second part time worplace. He was working as a waiter in a coffee shop so that he could give her an expensive birthday present and a little party.

But with his original job and thief wife, it was impossible, due to which he was handling a total of 3 part time jobs since the month started.

"Vicky the sweet bastard, what made you come here?"

"Rakshit, is this the way you welcome a friend? Your B, E, S, T friend"

"I think yes! I was just done here and was gonna go home, what about you, why you paid a visit?"

"Who are you? Where is my best friend? Where did you hide him?" Ok, who was he? He looked happier and more cheerful than before, an alien soul abhored his body!

"Vicky!" He sighed and wore his jacket before leaving the cafe with me.

"Man, why are you so happy? I hadn't seen this wide Colgate smile since long"

"I am happy" Rubbing the back of his neck nervously he smiled at me. "I just bought her a gold necklace, just like her dad gifted her as a child. Maybe she will miss him when she gets those memeories back"

"Oh my gosh, that's great!" Her happiness matters a lot to him.

"Yeah, she will be happy that after all her so destitue of a husband finally bought her something classy" He sighed in happiness "That too on his own feet"

"I am happy for you Rakshit" Throwing an arm around his shoulder we decided to have a walk in the nearby park.

"Let's not beat about the bush. How is Natasha?"

"Worse than Annabelle, why am I being grinded between you two? Is there any get angry on one and get other free offer going on?"

"Girlfriend problems" He chuckled.

Looking at a certain distant corner, his face paled as he took deep breaths trying to restrain from looking in that direction. The time I looked in the direction I sighed. "That's a past Rakshit which you have left behind"

"I have left, but it's not ready to leave me. I want to but I can't. A part of me still wants it"

"So what? You want to start illegal streer boxing once again? Come on! You are married. At least think of her-"

"That's why I left it" He screamed gaining the attention of everyone who was near us. We looked around and apologized to the public before sitting peacefully at a bench. "The moment her father decided our wedding, the same day I left that behind"

Let me be finally honest with you all.

I knew Rakshit from the childhood, but we were reunited four years back. He was a silent soul, but that silence only kept the storm inside of him fast asleep.

But his rage needed an outlet.

So, he started underground fighting as a way of balancing his life. He loves her not just because she was the only one whose company he had after being an orphan. Except me.

He saw a part of himself in her.

He kept his face and identity hidden so that his personal life would stay away from the chaos. His friends and to-be family would stay away from his deeds.

"It's difficult to keep cool only when I see Neil" sighing at the reference, his hands wrapped into a fist and he punched the backrest of the bench. "She is not comfortable around him, something keeps bothering her, she tries skipping college but she wouldn't tell me why"

"What about her? Her behaviour does not trigger your anger?"

"No, I love her" At this moment I wanted to call two to three thousand people in the park for beating Rakshit till he left this answer.

"I know that! Something else!"

"She is my life" he laughed. Kill me!

"Another good reason, please?"

"I hope she loves me back" He smirked at me. He was fuckin messing up with me by irking me.

"Rakshit!" I stood up and so did he. And that's how the chase began.

Devastated after a few minutes of the run, we sat down on the ground and laughed till we were at the verge of passing out.


Why do we need a reason to laugh when we have our best friend's face as the bestest reason ever?

"When is her b for birthday Rakshit?"

"T for tomorrow"

"And you are telling me now" I rose up immediately and punched him in face. "When were to planning to tell me?"

"Um, I had started the preparations last week, and it's done" A friend not in need is the worst!

"You betrayed me! You lied to me"

"I just didn't tell you. There's a difference between the sentences" how much I wanted to kill him.

Good afternoon!

Hope you liked the update.

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Stay healthy, stay happy and keep smiling.

God bless ya!

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