Chapter 32

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Everything will be fineI don't know howBut I knowIt will be

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Everything will be fine
I don't know how
But I know
It will be


"What?" I asked her once again, with my heartbeat going from steady to irregular.

"I said I like you" her hands left my shoulders as she settled beside me looking at the trees. I felt her wrapping around my arm and rest her head on shoulder, so tenderly that it felt like she wasn't the same Drishti I used to encounter. "I don't know why, when and how but 'I LIKE You'" she whispered gently with a tone of tenderness and that dulcet sound in the silence of the woods was all I wanted to hear.

The moment was perfect, more than words could describe. It held a different calmness, more than any other moment I shared with her. She was acting all so polite, so calm and so lovely, the moment felt ravishing.

I was top reluctant to reply to her saying, not because I couldn't find the words, but because I wanted her to speak today, open her heart up and tell me everything she felt.

"Speak something" I felt her chin poking my shoulder as she faced me, expecting to get an answer but I wasn't really planning to reply. "Please" her hold on my arm kept increasing every second when she heard no word coming from me. "I'll repeat it the third time, but at least reply. Doesn't that mean anything to you?"

All I wanted to do was turn to her and tell her what her how much her words mattered but if I looked at her, I knew I would tell her I liked her too or maybe tell her that I loved her. The reply to her statement was a simple nod from my side. Continuing looking at the trees I tried hiding the smile that made way to my face but the efforts went in vain.

Her hold loosened and her chin lifted from my shoulder as she sat beside me without holding me and her face directly looking at me. I felt her hand moving from my jawline to my cheek and then experienced a force pulling my face to her side. She was cupping my face with her hand and looking directly into my eyes with confidence and tranquility screaming through the soul of her.

"I told you I like you. Why don't you reply?" She tilted her to a side waiting for the answer.

"What should I say?" I did not try stopping myself from replying this time, I wanted to reply so I replied. Moreover she looked so soothing, just like a honey to the soul, and sometimes the fire to it adding fierceness to the spirit if required.

"Say you like me back" her thumb kept rubbing the surface of my cheek causing my stubble hairs make soft movements in the direction.

"Why should I?" Was all I told her.

"Why? You don't like me?" Her thumb stopped caressing my cheek and the her hand started going back. She was withdrawing her hand from my face when I caught it right before I could feel it no more.

"Did I say that?" My fingers ran across her hand, resting it back to where it was.

"Then? What's it?" unsatisfaction lingered on her face for a much longer duration and with the unsatisfaction came a small sigh. "Reply"

"What if I told you I wanted some time?" I asked her. Pulling my hand away I held my hands in my lap and continued reading her eyes which said more than words ever could.

"Oh come on! What's wrong with me?" She huffed pulling away her hand and crossing her arms across her chest. I raised my eyebrows at her making her pay a little visit to Mr. Flashback which caused her let the air out forcefully. "Ok I get it. I'm sorry so what now? You need time just take it"

"That's actually nice that you are-"

"Time's up! What's your reply?" And I'm never appreciating her again.

"Drishti" I faked a glare at her which only had the impact of making her gave me the expression of annoyance all over again. "Drishti" I tried talking to her once again but her expressions were solidly cold. "Drishti please!"

"Ok fine!" She screamed and looked at me. "But how much?"

"I don't know"

"That's not the answer to my question" her grumpy face started getting creepier when she mixed her annoyance with a smug.

"I tell you this. Whatever ill is brewing in that sick mind of yours, drop it off or I am never replying to anything"

"Agrh" frustration taking over her, she dropped her head on my chest and made some cranky sounds. "I am Impatient, you know that!"

"Um hm, I do" my arms wrapped across her figure pulling her closer to myself trying to feel her presence as much as I could when I felt her doing the same thing.

"Rakshit?" She spoke in a low monotone, looking at me while resting her chin on my chest. When I hummed in response she continued "We'll be staying back in a safe zone of this forest na? As per Vicky's plan"


"Can we have a clear talk, at night? Away from everyone again" she smiled faintly, moving her face to let her chin off and her cheek on my chest. "Just the two of us? You and me. Me and you. God I'm so good at this" she chuckled at her own joke before looking at me for an answer.

"Sure, your highness" gently kissing her forehead I let her stay in the same position till we heard Vicky screaming our names and Romi screaming Vicky's name. "Time to go Drishti"

"So soon" she raised her head at once and muttered something in her mouth secretly which was something related to them coming so soon.

"We'll be talking tonight. You that, right?" I asked her.

"Yeah, I know" she smiled at me before getting up and offering me her hand. "Now get up, let's make it to the spot as soon as possible so that we can talk!"

Apology for short chapter. Half of it got deleted due to my Memory Glitch!

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