Chapter 18

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Um. Hi! @_@ long chapter ahead

Drishti's POV:

Thinking about my special day which ahd about six hours to go, all I could think of was having a completely different birthday this year.

For now I only knew that something was brewing in Neil's mind for all the time we were together, he was indirectly telling me that tomorrow is a big day. Or so was my own theory.

I am definitely not interested.

Now the chief question was,

Where is Rakshit?

He must be upset seeing me with him but I was too confused to take a decision. If Rakshit went in prison, I would be alone, he would be sad and- nothing would be good.

I'm trying to keep aside the thought that he might be faking it and I was giving it a chance but I was also being the one ruining it.

I've not heard from him recently. He shows up rarely from the past one month completely ignoring me like I never existed in the universe.

I mean, hello! I am your wife you moron.

I picked up my phone and dialed his number, waiting for an exact 20 seconds before I put down the phone when heavy footsteps stopped at the front door.


I sighed and walked up to the door tediously. Sitting at the same place for 1 freakin hour is injurious to your ass. It felt that I didn't have one.

Opening the door, the perky 6'3" husband of mine greeted me with a smile.

I deem that something was up in his mind for his smile was a way to much reaching his ears.

"Good evening princess" He came inside removing his jacket, not before cupping my face with his right hand and placing a slight kiss on my forehead. At least he looked happy.

"Good evening" I greeted back, shoving forward to grab his jacket and yes, I was treated by a galvanized look on his face. "What?" Shrugging my shoulders, I snatched his jacket from his hands and walked forward with him matching my steps. "Can't a person offer some generosity?"

"Yes, but in your case it's hard to believe" he chuckled feebly before throwing himself at the couch and removing his shoes.

"Um, Rakshit?"

"What happened?"

"Do you want coffee?" And here I got an amused look. Can't a person do something good?! "What? Stop giving me that look"

"Ok, what happened to you today?"

"Seriously?!" To be honest I wanted to be a difference today, but the fact that tomorrow was my birthday would make him think I was being over-nice for that particular reason, and trust me I never want him to think that of me.

"Ok fine don't get mad. I would love a coffee"

It took me ten minutes to walk to the kitchen and prepare the coffee for him. For me it was rather a battle than the kitchen. But the smell and the color seemed perfect!

Holding up my imaginary collar, I took the cup in my hand and presented it in front of Rakshit who was the living room and took the cup saying "Thank You"

A feeling of angst filled up inside of me as he took sips of the coffee, a bizzare smile covered his lips when he faced an over-zealous-for-praise me.

"How's it?"

"It's fantastic! Oh my god I loved it"

"Wow! If it's this much tasty, then let me have a sip" My hands moved forward to hold the cup but he held it back nervously.

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