Chapter 55

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I don't want to doubtBut It hurt when I realizedYou are still ashamed of me

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I don't want to doubt
But It hurt when I realized
You are still ashamed of me


"You what?" I wasn't much concerned about her love at the moment, I was just worrying that if Drishti came to know about this, how was she going to react.

If she came to know that someone loved me, the girl was gone. And the second worst case scenario was that her already being an overthinker will come up with an answer that I was having an affair.

In both cases, results were deadly, without doubt.

"I love you" People normally don't creep me out but her more than required neutral expressions and tone was doing that work. "What about you?"

"What do you mean by saying what about you? Samaira I am married, I have a wife and I love her, only her. No one else" after this I tried explaining her that Drishti was the only girl to enter my life as the one, and that nobody could ever take her place. But she was so devastated and desperate that she ignored my explanations I gave her.

"Leave her" She said, as if it was that easy. When you love someone truly, you don't ever think about leaving them, and doing this practically made no sense to me.

"Samaira, since when did you start talking like this? You are asking me to leave my wife. Are you even in your senses? You were never like this" I swear if she tried to poison my mind against my wife, I was not going to continue the conversation with her.

"As if you fell in her love on your own, you were arranged to love her Rakshit, so it doesn't matter if you leave her"


"Don't act like you can hide it, think practically Rakshit. You never loved any girl but when it came to marrying Sarthak Sharma's daughter, you just fell in love without any reason. It wasn't destined to be like this, your love was arranged, it's worthless!" She stressed the word worthless to highlight her point.

Faking a slight laugh, she turned around to leave but as far as she was concerned, I knew that she never liked failing at anything, her intentions were not very agreeable and her nature was the thing scaring me.

She was not wrong, but she wasn't completely right either.

"I agree" I spoke, she turned around to listen to what I had to speak and stood patiently at her spot "our love might be arranged, but it was never worthless. I fell in love for a reason, I saw my old self in her which was sour, ill tempered and sophisticated. We are not only bound by love but by heart-"

"You know, such things sound good in stories and movies but this is real life. What good she was? We all knew what Sarthak Sharma's daughter is like. Let's suppose she changed but what about her feelings? You love her, did she ever mention that she loves you? Even today you were introduced as her date and not her husband dimwit. You're just gonna be her toy, and you seem happy to be that. She can never be someone's, never"

"Stop it! I don't want to listen anything against her!" I knew my attempt was not going to have any impact on her but trying is never the worst opinion. "She is my only one"

"So you are going to reject a girl who loves you for the one who doesn't?"

"That's not true!"

"I will love you Rakshit. Forget her and move on with me. We will live happily after she leave your life. I promise that I will always be with you. She's not worth you, she never was. Come with me and we will build our family. It's just a matter of a yes"

"Then don't expect that yes from me"

"Let's see, you'll have to come back to me only" Samaira smiled with full confidence and left to join the crowd but not before saying "She will never love you, stop dreaming about a happy life with her. Your birthday is next week, I will be waiting for you and your answer"

Whatever happened just now was messing with my head so I decided to stay in the room instead of ruining every single person's mood with my melancholic face and ran away happiness.

I returned to the room upstairs and closed the door behind me. Wasn't much affected by Samaira but the realization that Drishti actually did introduce me as her date and not as her husband truly affected me.

I thought that she was changing but what about today? Was she still ashamed of calling me her husband?

Was I still the same incapable and poor fellow that she never wanted to be seen with?

The times when such questions randomly come to your mind and you can't even console yourself with an answer, those moments hurt. They do.

When you start doubting yourself, it hurt. When you think of yourself as unloved by the person whom you love, that hurt even more.

Samaira loved me, I loved Drishti, did Drishti love me back?

Insecurities and doubts arise whenever you let a third person enter your life. Here in my case, Samaira just entered as a guest and kicked my feelings to the goal post of doubts and hurt.

Next week was my birthday, did Drishti know that?

"Rakshit?" Never failed to recognize the voice and identify the touch of this specific person. Drishti's arms were wrapped around my waist and her cheek rested on my back as I stood near the window, looking outside "Are you okay? You came here without telling me or anyone anything"

"I was just feeling a little unwell" What was the cause of my suffering?

HyperSamaira MoodSpoiler Briandamage Syndrome, a lethal disorder.

"Just chill Drishti, I'm fine. Stop it! I said stop it yar!" Drishti crept in the front and started checking my temperature by running her hands all over my face.

Her hands were oily, really really oily.

"Let me check! What's the problem with you. Nothing can easily escape after disturbing Drishti Shergill's not so great yet charming husband!"


Drishti bowed her head and slammed it on my chest, sighing at her words she looked at me "I hate myself for speaking a lot sometimes, but you do look charming, sometimes"

Must have guessed the next chapter LOL

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