Chapter 1

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Drishti's POV:

"Drishti!" I turned around to find Divya coming towards me.

She had a huge crush on me! I mean she wants to be friends with me from the very first day but who cares! For me she was just my friend Romi's Girlfriend.

Romi's father and my father had always been good friends. The mansion which he abhors is damn alluring.

"Hi Divs!" Though she belonged to a normal middle class family I a sort of liked her. Just cuz she was his girlfriend and nothing more.

"Business lecture?"

"Nah! I am going to cafeteria."

"But what about the lectures Drish!" She also started like my father. Why does everybody bother me?

"Geez! Who cares? You'll be late. See you soon sweety." I hugged her a classy good bye and went towards the cafeteria. Soon my two friends Ema and Jia joined me. Plastic dolls!

"Hey Ema. Hey Jia." I scoffed at those plastic dolls who I knew liked me cuz of my money. But I had to make it out with them.

After all they were the third most beautiful girls in the college. First one being me and second one Divya. For the sake of their popularity it was nothing to feed these greedy bitches.

"Hey Drish! What's up with Luke?"

"You know I give a damn." How much these girls are gonna keep talking of guys. No one in the whole universe has been able to impress me so far. Neither did anyone draw my attention.

We headed towards the cafeteria walking down the hallway when we met Lavanya near her locker. My, a sort of competition. Daughter of my father's not so close but great friend. She was pretty a bit holding the second place as Divya.

"Hi Drishti. You look..." she made a sudden disinterested face after checking me out from head to toe.

"Keep your attitude girl. Cuz you too know that you won't be able to handle mine. I am just quiet cuz of my dad." We three walked past her and once again another someone stupid!

A nerdy girl with steel rimmed glasses and a hoody shirt greeted us. "Oh gosh! Can you get that disgusting hoodie off you?" We three sighed at her while her eyes held tears. Dramatic!

She removed her hoodie and looked at us again. "You know what....just put that up again. Never mind. Better not show your face to anyone. It's deadly when you show up."

While everyone in the hallway laughed she was in a state of breaking down I think. "Hold those crocodile tears chick. Not chick but cuttlefish. And isn't this the same old rugged hoddie once again. Cummon! You wore this shit last Friday too."

We walked past a weeping Miss Spectales. The students in the corridor were laughing and mocking at her.

Who cares? Why should I?

As we reached the cafeteria we came across Xavier, one of the hottest guys in the college whom I rejected thrice. "Hey baby. What about a movie tonight?"

"What about you get those stupid shitty girls who keep roaming around you like little bitches?" I spat at him in frustration.

"Come on baby." He insisted so much.

"Tell me how it was. I ain't be coming."

"Just one time."

"Book the whole theater. I don't watch movies with ordinary people." He looked here and there cuz it wasn't possible for him to book the entire theater in spite of studying in such an expensive and top University.

Miss Classy And Mr. Sufficient [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now