Chapter 2

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Ps: Don't be mad at me or her later.

Drishti's POV:

How can my father do this to me?

He is marrying me to a man who can't even afford my lifestyle. How rugged!

I was crying in my room thinking about the wedding. Can't I stop it anyway? I tried convincing him that I will change myself but all he said was "Then forget you ever had a father."

"If I married I will definitely forget that dad."

"As you wish princess. But no ifs and no buts. No no! You are getting married and that's final. I don't regret this decision. All I regret is you will be leaving me soon." He went away.

He didn't seem to be moved by my continous pleas and cries. He didn't even try to console me.

Exhausted and angry I left home and went with Jia and Ema to a club.

"What happened? Why are you drinking so much Drishti?" They asked showing their fake concern as a sixth shot of Tequila went inside me.

"What concerns you?"

"We care for you Drishti." Jia opened her mouth to speak but I was not in my senses to stop or stay silent.

"All you two bitches care for is my money. You don't care. Bloody plastic dolls. Get lost! I don't need anyone. I am Drishti. Drishti Sharma."

I tossed my hairs and had four more shots which made the count a total of 10 Tequila shots. The two filthy animals went away after getting so much respect from me!

"Mam. We are closed."

I looked up to see a man who probably seemed the owner of the club. I was lul after drinking almost 16 shots.

"But I don't wanna go!!!" I spoke in a musical way and a drunken fit. He knew I was drunk.

"Mam. I think I must call your parents. You aren't in a state of going home."

"Who will you call? My father." I let out a sad chuckle. "My father. Who wants me to marry a person who can't afford my lifestyle. Or My to be husband? Whom I don't know? How will he come? Dressed in rags? Living and sleeping on streets?" I wasn't in my senses so I was literally speaking something which I don't know.

"Mam. Get out!" His anger seemed to rise as I was breaking the glasses of the club.

"What? Stay in you limits you ****. How pathetic you are!"

After what I said I could remember me being thrown out of the club. I was lying on the street in front of the door. "You will regret it!"

I walked through the streets while my car was still parked outside the club. I reached home safe and sound.

Entering the threshold of my mansion or my father's mansion I stumbled at the door in a drunken fit. "Stella!!" I shouted at a high pitch which made Stella, my personal maid to arrive.

"What happened Princess?"

"Take me to my room." She helped me to my room and also the time when I was facing the aftermath of the Tequila shots.

After I cleaned up I directly went to bed without bothering to remove my slippers. Stella removed my shoes and covered me with a blanket. Soon she switched off the lights and I was lulled to sleep by tensions. Lulled to sleep by tensions? How idiomatic!

No one's POV:

Next morning Drishti didn't get down for breakfast. Sarthak knew her stubbornness and short temper. Sounds of breaking of glass and things being thrown here and there were clearly audible.

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