Chapter 30

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You'll Catch me If I fall

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You'll Catch me
If I fall


Floundering between the insecurities of the past and life I had ahead of me, I was stuck in the meshes of never ending confusion and ago. I never wanted him to come, never wanted to let him in but somehow I ended up letting him in.

Dad told me that he was the perfect one for me and I couldn't clearly feel why he said that. Rakshit had stood by me whenever I needed him, no matter what I did or how wrong I did. Expecting him to come back to me when his ignorance started bothering me felt too much.

The way I saw the situation there was no going back, I was ashamed to ask him for a chance. It wasn't that these feelings just came flying by all of a sudden. Just took me long enough to admit, credits go to this place which would always give me a clearer view of the situation just like my mom did.

"Divya, do you think he will agree if I give him a chance?" I was trying to sound a little accurate but I failed. I knew I was the one who should be asking for a chance. When Divya glared at me, I gulped my saliva and tried one more time "Would he agree if I asked for another chance?"

"Obviously!" She smiled and got up from her place brushing the dust off her. "Now come. Let's Join Romi, Vicky and Rakshit" she winked at the end making me chuckle at her heights of fangirling I had been listening from a few minutes.

"Ok fine Miss Shipper!" About Rakshit, I would manage that but,

Was there a need to confront Natasha?

I mean, I didn't want to.

"You coming? Or expect me to pick you up?" Nodding at Divya's statement I followed her towards the guys and decided to join them for a few events going on. "Hi guys!" There was a small forest excursion arranged for us but since it had half an hour to go the boys were trying to kill their time by doing things I didn't even know why they decided to do that.

"Hi!" Rakshit passed us a smile and continued making something out of an origami paper.

"Hi!" Vicky who was trying to fill air in his beach ball waved at Divya resulting in the pump getting disconnected from the ball and the ball flying away due to the force.

"Why are you here?" Something you shouldn't expect from Romi was a good not-funny way of treating you when you are his best friend or his girlfriend who never were permanent in his life for more than seven years. Romi was sitting 'on' the table and directing Rakshit and Vicky what to do and the mistake that Vicky made earnes him a whack on his backhead from Romi. "Useless person"

"What are you guys doing?" Asked Divya.

"Just trying to escape a series of events which were arranged by the college till the excursion but yeah, I did not like them so we guys are trying to find our own timepass"

"By making origami animals, ordering around and airing up beach balls. Nice" I sighed passing them my best 'duh like seriously' look before I noticed Divya looking at me with blank expressions. "I mean that pretty interesting. Should we join you guys?"

"Romi smack me once again please. I think I'm dreaming. How did the Queen get to show us peasants some mercy" Vicky looked at me with amazement written all over his face. His candid comment to my assumed for that moment benevolence would've not gone unwelcomed by me if it was not for Divya who held my before I could reply.

"I think we should just get our things ready. We'll be going together, right?" She smiled at them while Vicky rolled his eyes but maintained his behavior once he heard a deliberate cough from Rakshit.

"Yeah sure" Vicky spoke but with a disinterest in his voice which was noticed by the others turning the situation into an uncomfortable one. For a few moments everyone of us seemed reluctant to initiate a conversation.

Without any proper interaction we started preparing our bags when one of the most unwelcomed person for me ie Natasha came to join us. On seeing me her expression changed as she looked at Vicky and Rakshit demanding an answer.

"They'll be joining us" Vicky explained. As far as Natasha was concerned, I thought she would fire back at me but she simply shrugged her shoulders and placed a few water bottles at the table. "Thanks Nat! Now let's get our bags ready. Because I'm not going where everyone else is. We are slipping away and returning early in the morning"

"Woah! Calm down Vicky. What if we get lost in the forest?" Divya asked him but he only said that

"No fear when Vicky is here. I have it all planned. You just don't worry! Now hush, pack your bags and take some extra stuff like some blankets, food and mosquito sprays, insect repellents"

Soon we started packing our stuff and Rakshit asked me to pack my stuff in his bag for he would be carrying it for me. I thanked him in a low tone and started arranging the required things in his bag.

"Take three chocolate bars for me" Rakshit whispered in my ears and looked here and there to check if someone heard him. "Don't let Vicky know I have them or else I have to kill him!" So he was afraid that Vicky would steal his chocolates if he came to know Rakshit was packing them.

"Oh so you kill too" I smiled leaning on him while he held his hands at his back and nodded in approval and said "I'm dangerous"

"You? And dangerous?" I started laughing at the thought of him being dangerous, he could be anything but dangerous. "Joke of the Decade!" I laughed till I stumbled upon a stone while moving back but Rakshit was there to catch me before I did. He held my shoulders to avoid me from getting hurt and gently smacked my forehead.

"I am! Don't laugh at me"

"Eye-eye sir!" I really hoped it was an eye-eye because it sounded like that to me but if It ain't an 'eye-eye' I was not happy with myself.

"Now let's close the bag or else he'll see" Rakshit smiled and closed the zipper of the bag, throwing it on his shoulder and start moving in the direction everyone was assembled. "You sure you want to come with us?"

"Never been so sure before" smiling at him gently I looked for the others who came following us. No sooner did Natasha's eyes feel on me being empty handed she had this in her mind that she would cause an episode here.

"Why is she not carrying anything?" Even if her voice held politeness for the time, her intentions were no where near compassion or something.

"I'm carrying for both of us. That's a no problem" Rakshit replied on my behalf but Natasha wasn't satisfied by his answer.

"Why? Can't she do her work on her own? Why do you need to act as a servant to a pathetic princess" she spat in anger and passed me a look including irritation.

"I'm not pathetic" the reaction I would've given otherwise would've been far more than what I was giving now. I did not want a chaos to be created here so I kept my cool as far I could keep it. "And he ain't my servant. Better find a job than your stupid unwanted commentary. Take ny gratitude that you did not try journalism as your major. And you" I turned my face and looked at Rakshit who knew there was nothing he could do at that time. One was his friend and other was his wife whose mistake he would never point out in front of anyone and keep expecting that she would change miraculously. Which I was trying to make a progredd at today but some people won't let me. "Give me the bag"

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