Chapter 6

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3rd person's pov:

It was already 12 noon and there were no signs of her. Probably she was extremely unhappy, that's why she didn't care to show up. Little did he know the truth that he was married to a snoring giant.

She came down at 1pm looked sleepy with her messed up hairs tied in a bun, her white shorts and black tee. She looked like a ferocious lioness ready to catch the prey. The poor prey was unknown of his slaughter and just smiled at her.

His smile irked her more. The thought of him marrying her and her father's behavior sent a wave of anger and impatience through her.

She walked up straight to him and caught his shoulders harshly. These things happened all of a sudden that he couldn't figure out what and how of the situation.

"Are you happy now? Ruining my life. Are you okay with this or no? What do you want of leaving me? Money? How much? Just tell me and leave me. And firstly why did you marry me? Money? Again. How greedy, money minded selfish person you are! People like you don't have worth of a penny so they marry rich girls just like you did. How much money did he pay you?" Those were the insecurities inside her. She thought her father had played the same trick like he did when she was a child.

She held him from collar, gently but showed her anger through her eyes and pinned him to the wall. He simply smiled at her which made her more irritated.

He was such a serene nonchalant person while she stood close to him still holding his collar. Her eyes were bloodshot as if she could kill him any second.

"He gave me the most precious thing anyone could ever have making me.the richest person in the whole world. All his wealth is mine now"

"What the hell! And you aren't satisfied with that too! How much more low can yous stoop! Where is the money? I'll burn that"

"Right behind you princess"

She left him and turned back immediately only to find a mirror in which she could see herself. He smiled and held her shoulders calmly whispering

"He gave me you"

She stood numb for a minute trying to get out of his words while he was still smiling.

He gently kissed her hairs from behind taking care that he gave her love, attention and all affection which she would require.

"Have your breakfast. You must be hungry"

She got out of the confusion and sat at the chair guided by her while he served her breakfast. He wasn't a good cook but still he tried. Tried hard since morning so that she could like it.

He had been watching YouTube videos the whole night and got up early to make her breakfast to make a good impression. He wanted to make her happy but it wasn't an easy deal.

She took a bite of the pancakes he made. Though they tasted fantastic and the aroma stimulated her salivary glands so badly but she being Drishti definitely would do something unexpected for him.

She pushed the plate aside and crossed her arms around her chest, trying to act like she did not like them a little bit.

"You call this food? Do me a favor poison me before giving me such kind of breakfast!"

She picked an apple from the table and washed it throughly before leaving the room eating the apple.

He stood there sad that she left, but still determined. He thought she would at least like it. He thought he would make her smile, make her feel special, make her feel like a she was home. He thought giving her all the attention and love but she was not ready yet.

He washed the pancake pieces off his face and cleaned the floor. But Even these things couldn't shatter his hope he held in his heart. He knew everything would be right one day.

She walked into her room and opened her laptop, changed it's password and even locked her phone as if she had some secret nuclear theory hidden in it.

She was indeed behaving like a spoilt brat, or even worse. She would have been sleeping again now but she was reminded of two things 'College'

And the second was checking if Rakshit threw the pancakes away, because why should she starve because of her ego.

She walked down in search of Rakshit and sat beside him without saying a word. He was working on his laptop and the moment she came near him he closed it so that she didn't feel he gave her no attention or care.

"Is something bothering you?"


She said boldly without even a fraction of shame visible on her face.

After she had said so many things to him or did all that to him, she didn't feel shame returning back to the same man and asking about her college.

"We can go and get our admissions done today"

"Wait! What do you mean by ours?" She asked, startled.

"We are attending going to the same college Princess"

"Why? You want me to show everyone that I married a Just Sufficient person? You want me to study in worn out college? I left a private college which was-"

"It's St. Teresa's College. One of the best in New York" he interrupted her, knowing that she would go talking for hours if he didn't stop her. She stood quiet. At least it was good.

"How could you afford that?" She asked him and went quiet for a minute. Later she bashed at him "You can't just go around forcing yourself into doing a number of jobs, right? Listen if you are thinking to overstress yourself with work then let me tell you I'm okay with sitting home" A part of her voice showed that she was concerned about him too.

"You don't have to worry about anything princess. I will do whatever it takes you to be happy. Don't worry about how and why of things"

He could afford two admissions in that college just with one more part time job. He had already been doing part time job in Sarthak's company and here too he got a job. But it would not be enough.

He could afford that cuz for him it was just few months of college. After that he would be eligible enough for any respectable position.

He could've sent her to a normal college but he wanted to see her happy and he knew her happiness lied in a reputed college. He had promised her father that he would never leave her and be with her forever and ever.

And he was holding it so firmly.

"You get the admissions done online today itself"

"Ok. The classes will start from tomorrow at 9am"

"Excuse me, 9!!!"


Hope you liked the update.

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Till then bye bye tata see ya sayonara.

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