Chapter 35

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I ain't selfishBut when a person's mineIt means the person Is mineAnd I don't like sharingTheir love orTheir affection

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I ain't selfish
But when a person's mine
It means the person Is mine
And I don't like sharing
Their love or
Their affection


The previous night was one of the best nights I've ever experienced so far and I believe that more beautiful ones are yet to come. Following the footsteps of our Mr. Guide, Vicky I looked over to Rakshit remembering how difficult it felt to leave him in the morning.

Like hello!

Why couldn't we be at home?


We were heading backwards to the cottage where nobody would have taken a notice of our absence, or at least mine. Instead they would be partying around in glee that I was not there.

"Hey, Drishti, pst!" Divya called me from behind due to which I had to leave Rakshit's company and go back to meet her. "How did it go?"

"It went pretty well actually" I smiled at her while recollecting every thought of yesterday night which I didn't want to let go of. "You know, he didn't ask me to change. He told me that I myself would to change and he'll be there for me when I would be changing myself"

"That's great Drishti. Means you two are together now? As in an actual couple and not just two married strangers?" Nodding in a bright yes I self calculated the situation which meant that we were a couple, I mean we are, but this one is special. Rakshit and I started as strangers and now looked forward to what fate had planned for us. "Let's hope for the best"

Amidst all the queries and the answers My eyes took notice of Rakshit was talking with Natasha at that time. Both of them seemed to mix up really well without any sign of awkwardness or something else, instead a small blush was visible was on Rakshit's cheeks bringing his best smile to the view adding some more glory to it.





"What is she doing with my husband?" This person can't stay shut up for more than 10 seconds, so kindly bear with continuous complains every now and then. Which you've already been doing since a long time. "Something fishy? Or sharky? Or octopusy? Heck, Divya I'm gonna throw up!"

"Drishti stop over reacting!" Divya wacked the back of my head as I passed her a glare. The audacity of this miniature creature to hit the queen of the area, how dare she show such a huge disregard for her-

"Ouch! That hurts" my unnecessary dialogue was cut in between by Divya by another blow on my head and I was back to my problematic position where my eyes saw nothing but Rakshit with Natasha who was smiling too!

"Stop gawking at them like a bloody eagle. If you have a problem, go show them! Show them who is he, and he means to you. You got that?" People you can't what they say but still could feel what they say,


They are known as friends.

Taking huge steps in the front I pulled the straps of the bag ahead and walked upto the two of them. Pushing myself in between them I wrapped my hands around his arm and looked at Natasha with the sweetest smile I could offer.

A Real smile

Not a Fake one I would've otherwise thrown

I knew they were just friends

"Hey, can I borrow my husband? Thank you" widening my smile a bit more I slipped my hand into his and intertwined our fingers as I started pulling him away from Natasha and jogging in front of everyone offering them a clear view of our intertwined hands.

"Drishti, what are you doing?" Rakshit questioned me in complete shock.

"What? What did I do?" I tried asking him as if I never did anything wrong.

"I was talking to her"

"Talk to me then, problem solved" show him your glorious smile Drishti, even if you haven't brushed this morning.

"Drishti please, she's our friend" he gave a little extra focus on the word friend while glancing Natasha over his shoulder and return his eyes on me with a pleading look.

"Correction, your friend" I focused on the word 'your' to be more significant of the situation while looking at the soft pleading expressions his face all I could do was groan in dissatisfaction. "What?"

"Try to understand, it ain't good. What if I pulled up away from Divya like that"

"Why are you dragging Divya in between? That girl I say, is nothing in comparison to Divya. And she ain't my friend, she hates me"

"And you know the reason behind it. She might not be like Divya, but she ain't bad. Maybe if you ever tried getting along with people you would understand that not everyone is the same. Why are you trying to make things complicated Drishti? When they just started getting better. Please Don't ruin them with your insecurities. I ensure you, I will always be your side, be with you and would never approach any girl that way. Trust me Drishti, and trust Natasha too" he spoke plainly, yet clarifying each of his point firmly.

"But Rakshit-"

"Please" and that look caused me to give in. He raised his eyebrow politely and smiled at me with care and understanding expressing themselves in his eyes.

"Fine, you go back to her" letting go of his hand I started walking hastily in front of everyone when I was pulled back by Rakshit. "What now? I didn't even do anything?" Be polite, don't glare for the moment.

"What? Did I say anything?" Shrugging his shoulders he intertwined our fingers once again and looked at me "now we're good" he said before walking back to Natasha and passing another smile to her.

"Rakshit what are you-"

"Quiet!" He hushed me in a childish way before initiating a conversation with Natasha about something which sounded like 'Assignments' and 'Presentations' among other ususal stuff.


I kept walking like a bloody fool whose blub of mood was currently fused for his actions went straight above my head. After a brief conversation with Natasha and in between caressing my hand gently with his thumb, giving me equal attention, he looked at me.


"I am not chosing. Neither am I leaving her behind nor you. Got that?" He explained while I nodded. He left my hand and we maintained a distance between us as we were finally back.

This was the end of our sneak out as we returned to the cottage looking for the students when we came to know that nobody had noticed our absence until one person did, and now screw me, there stood this one person smiling at us from a distance, who was called


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