Chapter 28

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Rakshit's POV:

"I just don't like sharing" she sighed. I felt her arm grip mine as she continued with her talking "Anything, or anyone"

"No one likes sharing, anything" There was a gap of a few seconds before the sentence reached it's completion "or anyone" She remained quiet for a moments unlike usual when she would try to prove me wrong or try to show me that she knew everything.

Minutes after her silence I felt her arms wrap around my waist and her face squeezing into my neck. It was something she had never done before. Though we had been close a few times before, a few days ago she slept cuddling into me but this moment was something else. It held something special in it and with nature being the perfect cupid to the mood, brought forth a new side of hers, an unseen one. The one that everyone might love but it was also the one that she kept hiding from everyone.

"Are you true? Or just fake?" She whispered in a low yet serious monotone resting her chin on my shoulder and looking at me.

I looked back at her, quite not understanding what the question meant. Drishti was such a person that sometimes she couldn't clarify what she truly wanted to ask. At this moment I was confused whether it was meant for the concern I showed or perhaps my love that she never tried to notice.

"You" touching the tip of my nose with her finger she sighed "Are you actually like this, or you are just pretending to be good to me"

"I never pretended anything Drishti" With the reply she passed me a faint smile and averted her eyes towards the lake once again. "Are you okay?" I inquired as I had never seen her in a such a mood before.

Who says bad girls don't have a heart?

They just don't want to show it thinking that everybody will consider them to be a weakling.

"I don't know" she whined and changed her position due to the sudden irritation she that she felt. "I just don't know"

She was never going to admit that she was not okay and I knew that. "Come here" I said pulling her close to me and helping her settle down between my legs.

"What are you-?!" She tried to retaliate but once I glared at her she made her lips curled into an angry pout and the distance between her brows decreased as ususal. The fact that she didn't fight over the situation clearly indicated that she was actually changing at some point.

"Just calm down and relax" I wrapped my arms around her and squeezed her body into mine as she rested her head against my chest and closed her eyes.

"Stupid masculine Hulk!" She cursed.

"What are you trying to do? Insult me or flatter me?" I chuckled at her while she hit my stomach with her elbow.

"I'm not even talking to you. I was talking to-to-to" she stammered and went quite making me laugh harder than before. "Laugh as much as you want you" she compalined before crossing her arms around her chest underneath mine. Her fingers were constantly trying to touch my hand making me wonder if she wanted to hold my hand.

Without much thinking I intertwined my fingers with hers and tried holding her closer than before which wasn't possible. She was already squeezed into me that some more force would mean that I would end up choking her.

"Hey! Don't try taking any chance!"

"Sorry" I apologized and tried getting our fingers untangled when her body stiffed and her fingers gripped mine harshly.

"I mean, okay I won't mind you holding my hands" her shoulders heaved up and down showing her stammering not-ready-to-admit-her-fault state.

I smiled to myself and rested my chin on her head humming the tune of her favorite song 'Let Me Down Slowly' to which she started moving her head with the rhythm. The situation seemed that it could not be any more blissful than it was now. I was holding the person whom I loved and she didn't even show any signs of resistance.

A few moments later she changed her position and shifted to rest her right cheek against my chest while her arms moved around my waist and girpped it firmly. "It doesn't feel that bad" she pulled her legs closer to my right thigh and rested them on it. I don't know what she was trying to do but all of this felt so right that I wanted to live the moment instead of thinking about anything else.

"What feels so good?" I asked her while caressing her hairs all the way to the back.

"You" she looked at me and smiled with the peace which I have felt only a few times she was alone with me.


"Just hold me" she said "like this" and turned her away before her last words came in a low whisper which was audible to me "forever"

"I will" cupping her face with my hand I made her look at me and kissed her forehead.

"You will?" Her eyes showed a different kind of innocence, just like a small kid who would be seeking for answers for his childish yet deep questions from his mother.

"Yes, I will" I rested my forehead against hers and felt her getting nervous with the proximity.

"Why? Because I'm your responsibility? Or because of any other reason?" Her hands started crawling up to my shoulders trying to push me away as her breathing was getting uneven every second.

"Because you're my wife and I-" Realizing I was about to say something which I shouldn't, I stopped midway and looked at her whose wide eyes were constantly demanding answers.

"And you?" She whispered, bringing her face closer to me with the hope of finding an answer.

Leaning in closer to her ears, I tucked a strand of her hairs behind her ear and whispered "And I am your husband"

"Only this?" She whispered, clutching my shirt with her hands.

"Yes, Only this" I brought my face further close to her ear as I couldn't resist myself from doing so. As my lips made contact with her skin behind her ears, she pushed me away and stood up wiping the nervousness off her face.

"I think we should go" she closed her eyes and turned her face towards the lake side.

"Yes we should" I smiled at her and got up from the ground brushing the dust off me.

Both of us walked towards the site where everyone must be assembled by now, with the awkwardness still prevailing between us. There was nothing I could do to make it go when I was reminded of something which made me smile.

"Drishti?" I called her and she replied in a hm "Did you like the starbucks?"

"Yes, but I wonder how did they get the idea of bringing Starbucks? I see no SB around" she rubbed her arms while talking and suddenly stopped in her tracks looking at me with her mouth opened "Did you?" She looked at me as nodded in a yes.

"Yup! That was just a cup. It was a regular drink that you usually avoided" I laughed which only caused her to grow more angry at me.

"Oh My God! I'm not leaving you Rakshit!" She yelled and ran after me.

"First catch me! Then we'll see about leaving" I continued laughing at her while she was trying her best to catch me.

The memorie of this day would always have a place in my heart. For now I could only hope that the rest of the trip went in the same way and brought us closer.

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