Chapter 40

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I wouldn't have done thatBut I did it anywaysBecause of you

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I wouldn't have done that
But I did it anyways
Because of you


After I was done packing my luggage along with Divya's, I sat down near the matchbox almira and thought of a plan to talk to Natasha. As for Vicky, he only made weird and annoying faces at me, otherwise he wasn't a bad person to interact with.

"You can do this Drishti, remember, for Rakshit!" Inhaling a good round amount of air, I left the room in search of Vicky firstly, hoping that he would be alone otherwise it would've been awkward talking to him in front of every other person who was busy making fun of me.

My eyes went around the hall but found absolutely no one there, so I started moving towards their room for my purpose. When I reached their room, I knocked at the door, hoping to find Vicky inside the room. The door was answered shortly revealing Romi's face peeping out of the door. "Your husband is in the washroom, only Vicky and I are here. Thank you" saying this, he tried shutting the door but I inserted my hand in between to avoid him from doing so.

"Ah, I'm not here for Rakshit"

"So? Who are you here for? Let me tell you, Donald Duck doesn't live here"

"Do you think it's funny?" After he nodded his head in a bright yes and opened the door for me, I passed him a tight lipped smile before proceeding "I'm here to invite you and Divya for a stay over at our house this weekend. Let me talk to Vicky too so that all the explanation is done at once. Where is he?"

"Let me check. Maybe he is hiding somewhere in my pockets" Said Romi and started checking his pockets after which he forced himself to sigh when he couldn't find Vicky. Thank You so much. It really helped.


"Ok fine. Come in" I went inside the room and found Vicky lying on the bed, scrolling through his phone. "Hey Vicky, look who is here"

"The president" he murmured annoyingly before looking at me and realizing it was me "oh it's you. Wassup?"

"I'm good. What about you?" I have seriously never done this in my entire life with anyone except dad.

"I'm also good" awkward silence consumes the place and we keep looking at each other's faces before Romi coughs to bring the situation back to normal.

"Oh yeah. Actually Rakshit and I are leaving" You think he would let me complete my sentence?

"What!!!" Screamed Vicky and dropped his phone on the bed "why? When? How?"

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