Chapter 36 [New]

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I didn't know that the part was published. It wasn't completed so I took it down and published a nee part instead.

You're giving me the chanceAnd I am not gonnafail you

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You're giving me
the chance
And I am not gonna
fail you


Watching Neil smiling at me from the distance was already provoking me to take a step further towards me losing my sanity state. Worst case scenario, I would be going exact opposite to how Rakshit would want me to do and the result of which will come as him being upset again

Because of me

As usual

And now, I hated it. Hated it that he would be upset because of me. I had already done so much and for now it seemed like he was happy with the progress I made and suddenly I would break the progress meter just to let it down.

'I don't like him' murmuring in mouth the exact same words, I started leaving the place with the look of suffocation and disgust clear on my face.

Let him know I didn't like him in any way. If it wasn't for the stupid plan of mine which was initially meant to push Rakshit away which backfired terribly by pushing me closer to him, then Neil wouldn't have been a problem.

"Don't tell me everyone knew that we sneaked out" Romi sighed out of disbelief.

"What do you think they are giving us that look for?" Remarked Divya.

"Everyone is looking at us as if we have just stepped out of a freakin ufo from another planet" groaned Romi looking at everyone and then at Divya expecting an answer to his sentence.

"Oh yeah, and this is Area 51" she sighed.

It wasn't a big deal. We were above 18 and were studying in a university, not kids to follow the rules saying 'if you sneak away you will get suspension for 2 weeks' Like why?

The best part about it was that none spoke a word. They kept staring at us until we were out of their sight, heading back to our rooms for a nice time of relaxation. Everyone was going back but I decided to pull Rakshit away from everyone and drag him in a lonely corner where nobody could spot us.

And this was known as Privacy.

"Drishti, what's wrong?"

"Nothing! Can't I just spend some time with you?" Folding my arms across my chest, I leaned back on wall for balance and looked at Rakshit who stood in front of me.

Miss Classy And Mr. Sufficient [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now