Chapter 21

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Drishti's POV:

Over the past few months I have been extremely rude to Rakshit still he never left my side. As I had crossed my lines this time he seems to be a little unwelcoming to my current-um- stupidity. It had been a week since my birthday and I was pretty busy dodging Neil's calls.

I went there to end everything but nothing went as planned. He was ready but offered me a glass of water in which he added something. I was unconscious for a few hours after which I found myself in a girl's room who was her sister.

Long story short, they showed me a video in which they fucking targeted Rakshit and tried hitting him with a car. Coming to his blackmail, I had to stay for a few hours.

But somehow his mom got to know about it and said that she was coming for him. I was about to go,

And I was drugged again.


More fascinating that my own father didn't wish me birthday.

But the good thing was that I told every single thing to Rakshit so he left the job on his own and found a new one.

It was Summer break so most of our days went locked up inside our home, except for the fact that he was still doing his job making me the idle eating drinking house woman.

He looked off nowadays, I know I should've told him

These days he barely talked to me. Our talks were limited upto a 'Food is ready' or his 'Yes -no' replies to my questions. Only once we had this argument when I thought of taking a job but he wouldn't allow because he thought I would not like working anywhere as I loved being a bossy queen.

The conversation ended with him saying 'You know what, I am tired of you and being burdened with your decisions. So this time I will be the one deciding what needs to be done, not you. Tell me whatever you want I will bring it for you'

The clock said 7:36 Rakshit would be reaching some anytime soon. I set up the dinner table with his favorite margarita pizza that I had prepared.

All hail YouTube!

Even if it's face wasn't exactly how I imagined it to be but still, something was better than nothing. I was already waiting for him in my Tom & Jerry night suit when I decided that tonight I am going to talk to him!

Talk to him!

I will!

I can!

Ting! Tong!

The bell had to ring on that exact fraction of time when I was deciding what and how of the plan.

You can do this Drishti.

After taking in a comparatively larger amount of air inside of me, I went to open the door. A devastated Rakshit was standing there with a tired-like-mule look over his face.

"Welcome back" I passed him a faint smile like everyday and like everyday he just shrugged it off. He stepped inside, pushing me slightly to the side, trying to remove his demin when I thought 'oh my gosh! A living chance'

"Um, let me take that" I closed the door and kept my hand on his shoulder, trying to take off his denim when he faced me with a confused look "please"

"Ok" He sighed with a slight smile that he tried to hide but nothing could escape my eyes. They are as sharp as a Vulture looking for it's prey.

I slid the denim off his shoulders before taking it into my hand. "Listen, what if we order something from outside. I am tired as hell so I can't make anything tonight"

"No problem Rakshit. I have made us something to eat" A proud look appeared on my face as I expected him to pat my back but that was not going to happen any soon.

Me=Hungry for appreciations

"You made something?" His face grew in amusement as if I could never make something. Oh hello! I am multi talented.

"Yes, I made us a margarita pizza" Hoping him to react in a somewhat different way, I took him to the dining and stretched out a seat for him. "Have it" He smiled dimly before settling down and examining the pizza.

The dinner went quiet well, the pizza crossed my expectations but Rakshit didn't. He maintained a neutral expression, pressing his temples every now and then. After he was done, he excused himself and went towards his room.

How phenomenally my plans fail!

I thought he would hug me like he never did and say, "Oh My Gosh Drishti! This was the best meal of my life" Which must end with a romantic kiss.

Wait, I never thought of it!

A kiss! Oh yes!

Now I have to add it to my 'To Do' list. Should I do it? Should I not? If it happened, who will initiate it?

Time out for nonsense. But the thing was what should I do for him, for him ignoring me the whole week had gotten on my nerves.

He came home tired+ He rubbing his temples+ Work Load - Beautiful Lovely Caring Wife= Head ache!

Oh my god! He was having a headache. This was my only chance to initiate a conversation so I heated some coconut hair oil and took it to his room. Coconut oil heated to a slight temperature was always my remedy for headaches.

I opened the door to his room and went inside 'without knocking' and found him in his black trousers and grey Tshirt, arranging his bed murmuring low curses.

"Um, Rakshit?" He turned towards me with his twitching eyebrows, he clearly looked frustrated. "I was thinking if I could-"

"You want money?" I nodded in negative "You are not doing the job" again a negative response from my side "Something is bothering you?" You! But a negative reaction "Then what brings you here? You should be in your room, listening to music or-"

"I was just thinking if I could give you a head massage" This was needed before I blasted him in anger. "It seems that you have a headache"

"No thanks, I am good" He smiled at me and laid back in his bed closing his eyes "I just need rest" As if I would be allowing you to. I am going dance on your head baby!

"But you need it!" Moving towards his bed I saw his lips which were going to move "and I am not really asking"

I sat beside him and took his head in my lap not understanding how would I oil his hairs in such a position. "There is no need Drishti"

"Quiet! I need to figure out how to oil!" I shifted my position and when I figured it out I was sitting on his right side with his head resting in my lap and he continously bladdering that I did't need to do it.

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