Chapter 8

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Drishti's POV:

The whole night I kept thinking about the incidents that happened to me so far. Nights aren't meant to sleep.

They are meant for rethinking and recollecting all the shits that happened so far in your life.

My life had turned out to be a living catastrophe.

Was I really over reacting?

The answer was an axiomatic 'no' from my side but something was there which was questioning me.

Was I doing right with him?

Is he wrong?

Am I wrong?

It could be that it was just my father's clever move by trying to act cupid and hooking me up with a stranger.

Or this might have been this guy's move in misleading my father to acquire his property.

Things were uncertain for me. Seeing him it didn't look that he was a bad guy. But still, something in him looked fake to me.

How could a person be so serene and nonchalant despite what I did to him?


Shrugging the thoughts I went to sleep a not-so-peaceful night again.

Next morning

I was wakened by Mr. Alarm Clock at about 8 in the morning.

"One minute more Rakshit. One more minute."

"You are saying this for past half an hour. It's already 8:30 and we have to leave in 20 minutes!"

I woke up with a jerk and rushed straight to the washroom without wasting even a second. I didn't realize that I had been sleeping for an extra half hour which seemed to be 5 seconds to me.

I quickly took a shower and changed at the speed of light!

Delays make you Usain Bolt in everything.

I quickly jumped into my black rugged jeans and a white off shoulder top along with matching sneakers.

As soon I went I found him sitting there holding a bowl of cereal in his hand which I think was for me.

Definitely for me!

He was wearing a plain white shirt and black jeans with a denim jacket and black shoes.

Well, I must admit he looked hot. Not that temperature hot. I mean.

He was.

He was.


actually very.


For the first time I was checking him out so carefully. Not checking him when I had time and now checking him out when I am drop dead late.


I wouldn't be surprised if plastic dolls drooled over him. His perfectly set jet black hairs and that tiny stubble perfectly suited his character.

The most cute thing I found in him was his double chin. Aw! That was cute.

Wait, Am I drooling over him? Stop that Drishti. He's not worth your time.

"Have your food princess and quit staring at me."

"I know that. No need to tell me. And I wasn't staring at you."

I sat down on the couch looking at the clock which showed 8:50 and holding the cereal bowl in my hand.

If it was my old college I wouldn't care a damn but this time I needed to go early so as to meet the people and check out my classes.

Miss Classy And Mr. Sufficient [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now