Chapter 26

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Nia Sharma as Natasha

Drishti's POV:

"Look Drish, I know you don't like her much but can you please at least try to get along with her, just for the sake of peace" When I came to know Natasha was going to share our room my discontentment had no limits. Divya tried explaining to me that Natasha wasn't that bad.

I mean, I agree.

She's the worst.

"You wanna say I should try to get along the girl who's 24/7 forgetting her boyfriend and sticking to another married man" Divya sighed at my remark and massaged my shoulder with her hands just as a sign to tell me that I needed to relax.

"As if you weren't in a relationship with Neil" tossing her eyes at me, she jumped on the double bed and began removing her shoes.

Couldn't believe she dragged this matter in between.

"You can't say that Divya. That's a totally different case. Rakshit used me to get my father's property, a thing that he has repeatedly bringing to light" I picked up my bags which were lying near the almira and started pulling clothes out of it.

"Why is that every matter is about you Drish? Look, I know you'll not like listen to this but Rakshit is a nice guy. He didn't deserve any of this. You can't call him out when you never tried to understand him" Never liked where it was going.

"Oh seriously, I didn't try?"

"Tell me one day when you actually tried? Not just for name sake" For some reason I couldn't find an answer to her question. But that didn't mean I never tried. "I've seen him feeling for you. Why don't you get that? You've got so much Drish, why are you letting him go? You know how difficult it would've been for him to see you with another man"

"So what do you think I myself wanted that stupid namesake relationship" Throwing my clothes at the floor I thumped on the bed near Divya, holding my head between my hands.

"Then why?" A sign escaped my mouth followed by a click of my tongue trying to form a word.

"I know I'm spoilt, I know I don't care that's all because people around me are fake, fake af. They just want money that's it which would make them show who they aren't. As for Neil I wanted Rakshit to realize that he could never expect anything from me. I didn't like Neil myself and it is indeed terrible to cheat on someone but I do not trust anyone around me except Romi and a girl whom I want to slap hard right now" I smiled at the last reference to her while her face held the expressions of confusion and disbelief.

"I get it, you might have trust issues but what about your dad?" My attempts to laugh failed miserably when she brought the subject to my father.

"He'd always done what he's best in doing" I sighed

"What do you mean?" Divya tried digging into the matter deeper what some things don't deserve to be brought to light. It was true that I hated people, hated every single person who would show sympathy to me.

Wasn't that better to be a bitch and be alone than having fake people show fake concern to you? To me it was a yes.

"Nevermind. I just know I love him" Whatever he was, however he was, he was still my father. The only parent I had.

"And about Rakshit?"

"Stop your interrogation Divya, I hate fake people, Rakshit being one of them" Divya wasn't much convinced by my answer. It took two glares and three sighs to make her quiet. "Not everyone is good"

"And not everyone is bad. You need to understand"

"I'm simply tired of all these fucking allegations of not understanding, Divya. Why don't you get it, don't want to understand or be good?" Think those glares and sighs were not enough. Neither could I tell her to be quiet for she won't nor could I justify my actions.

"Fine, I won't be asking. But would just say one last thing if your highness allows me to" bowing down to me she started picking up my clothes from the floor. I chuckled and gave her the allowance while helping her arrange both our clothes in the cupboard. "Don't be mad at Natasha. I know you'll be thinking of a few tricks to get rid of her but try to be nice to her. Maybe she'll start liking you?"

"Nah I'm good!"

"For me at least"


"Please Drish"

"Look, I don't give a crap about that girl-" before I would start cussing Natasha, goosebumps ran all over my body when I witnessed Divya glaring at me in a more horrific way than I usually did. She raised her eyebrows at me while leaning on to the wall for support. "Fine! Will try, just for you. Now stop looking at me like that, it's creepy!"

"Duh, love you" she sighed throwing her crop top at me while I folded it and put it beside my own tops.

"Same to you too" it was a fact that she was well aware of. I never confessed my feeling for the two of them in front of of them but they knew me well enough to know I loved them too.

Just not so good at feelings and stuff.

"Now arrange all these too. Have done enough hard work for today" Leaving the rest of clothes to her custody, I went to change to my nightdress. She graoned in dissatisfaction but managed to get all the work done.

When I came out of the washroom drying my wet hair she was left with a few clothes. "Hurry up Divya, then we'll get something to eat" climbing the bed I laid on my stomach and took out phone.

Just as I was scrolling down the Instagram page the door to the room opened revealing unwanted Natasha's face at the door. Just beacuse of Divya I only rolled my eyes at her despite how much I wanted to curse her.

"Oh Hi! Natasha" I mean, what was the need of that Divya?

"Hi Divya, pleasure to meet you" she smiled at Divya who forwarded herself for a hug. Ok, I think my stars said that I would murder someone tonight.

Natasha took a few glances here and there before her eyes finally landed on me. We watched each other for a few minutes before she chose to simply walk away.

Cummon, there's no way she had no idea about our marriage since the starting. That dumb bitch hated me.

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