Chapter 54

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I don't fear anything But being the center of attention Is scary AF

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I don't fear anything
But being the center of attention
Is scary AF


"I am not going down there!" Standing beside Drishti and almost dying out of anxiety, I tried counting the number of people gathered in the hall. "You told me only a few close friends, business associates and family members were coming!"

This was cheating.

For a second I felt that I could the number of stars in the sky but not the people gathered there.

"Calm down Rakshit. It's something as compared to dad's fiftieth birthday. You don't remember?"

"I was having my exams so I didn't reach in time. When I reached there were just a few people and you were sleeping" I took a deep breath in attempt to try and accept the crowd "Do we seriously have to go down there?"

"It's too much now. Stop going backwards like a kid Rakshit!" Drishti stepped towards me and forcefully wrapped her arms around mine. "It's fine! Let's go" She started dragging me towards the stairs but my decision was still inflexible for the time being.

Ignoring every taunt that was thrown at me, the force that I experienced due to her pulls and the looks that she passed me, I held the handle of the nearest room and jerked it impatiently to escape the situation.

Even if it would be a temporary escape.

My death was already written that day I came here.

Don't get me wrong but I hated being the person who was one of those people playing the center of attraction at an event.

And being businessman Sarthak Sharma's son in law, was equal to being the devil's favourite. Even if Drishti was taking me as a date, I still would be the center of second major attention.

"It's final, I am not going down there. This is not fair! These are not a few family and friends!" Special stress was applied to the word 'a few' to bring my point to her notice.

"They are not going to eat you, stop acting like a baby!" Drishti came in front of me a held my hand which was failing tremendously at opening the door. "You've got this Rakshit! Have some confidence"

"It died! Now let me go" My attempt at ebbing away was wasted when she held the collar of my coat and pinned me to the wall.

What the-

"Listen to me. You, have, got, this. You're perfect Rakshit and I'm here with you, for you and I promise I won't leave you alone for a second, till you yourself want me to go and have some privacy" her grip on my coat loosened along with the tight expressions on her face. "But I don't guarantee the invasion of your privacy from my side"

She chuckled and started adjusting my coat which she herself ruined a few seconds ago. As she stepped away from me with her hand around my arm, she elegantly adjusted her dress and signaled me to smile.

Miss Classy And Mr. Sufficient [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now