Chapter 7

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Drishti's POV:

College at 9 which meant that I had to wake up at 7 or 8. Oh god. "Are you crazy or what? Mr. Shergill?"

"What's wrong princess?"

"Are you even serious? How will I get up so early?"

"Sleep early. That would be the best suggestion"

"Keep your suggestion with you please, I can't wake up that early.

I went straight to my room not in mood to argue with the man whom I fought with every now and then. One sided fights.

After an hour I felt hungry so I went downstairs to find something to eat only to find Rakshit hissing in pain holding his finger.

"What the fuck happened to you ?" He looked at me and maintained a serene smile. His smile was something that was never going away.

"Nothing, just a small cut."

"What were you doing that you a cut?" I asked him while opening the fridge and grabbing out a water bottle from it.

"I was making some white sauce pasta for you. It's your favorite, right?"

I stood there where I was surprised.

How did he know?

Drishti, maintain a like deserve. He shouldn't feel that you are soft and try getting attached to him because whenever dad finds me someone its just bad.

"Is it ready?" I asked, to divert the topic.

"Just in a minute. I just washed my finger and now I'm going to finish cooking"

"You mean to say you didn't bandaid the wound when your finger was cut?"

How careless this man was! He didn't even care.

"I was about to..."

"Seriously? Like when? The 30th of February?"

"I was about to!"

"I don't trust you"

"Then don't trust me!" He made an annoyed face and turned around holding his finger.

"Yeah, I know. So I'll do that" I went towards him and held his hand while he simply gave me a shocked look followed by a smile. "Don't smile too much"

"Trying to act like you're tough, aren't you?" He smiled at me.

"Stop that smile. I hate you and when you smile my mind explodes!"

"If that's what makes you happy then how little a cost I am paying for your happiness" he had the nerve of giving me a wink.

"Stop flirting around!"

This time he gave no smile. I could feel his hands tremble in his my grip as the cut was deep enough to make him feel all the pain.

"You know what, give me my finger back" he pulled his hand back. Right now he acted just like a child, trying to prove that he is all grown up. "I can do this. You stir this pasta, get your plate and go upstairs. Don't make it messy" He slightly glared at me.

"Ok fine" I left his finger and did as he directed. Soon I saw it was ready and filled my plate with the pasta.

I went upstairs, laid back in my bed and started surfing through Netflix looking for a great series which I could enjoy but my mind kept pondering over his thoughts.

How could this man remain so cool? He was too calm. And that was seriously driving me insane.

The plate of pasta was still full since my mind was only concerned about his finger. I had seen the cut and it seemes pretty bad. Seeing him I could tell that he was not the best person when it came to taking care of himself and doing first aid.

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