Chapter 4

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Drishti's POV:

The night was horrible for me. I used to sleep in such a luxury, which he couldn't afford. Something in my mind seemed to go home with Coffin which gave me a restless night.

For me it was my dreams and every moment I spent here. I guess I could see my dead life being carried away for burial.

Was I over reacting?


But one thing was for sure. I will make your life hell Rakshit.

My mind was trying to reminisce the moments I spent here. Everything was so beautiful for me. Suddenly one day a storm came wrecking my beautiful life.

I would surely miss Harvard. Romi and Divya. Not anyone else. Dump those plastic dolls. I broke up with them yesterday only.

Would miss Miss Hoody and the teachers.

Next day

Today is my wedding. You know it's a really pious day. A memorable day in a girl's life. But for me it was my doom's day.

I felt the floor slipping underneath me. My whole life was a lie. Dad came and took me to the church. Outside the church he cupped my face emotionally admiring his princess for the last time.

"Dadda loves you princess."

"Used to dad."

"Why are speaking so coldly princess? Aren't you happy?"

"Happy? You know I was never happy about this wedding." I left out a sad chuckle as no one could save me from the clutches of ill fate.

"You know princess. I will miss you but I will surely call you every day."

"In short you don't want to see my face?"

"It's not that princess."

"Please stop calling me princess. My mind explodes when you call me this."

"Why? Are not that daddy's little princess?"

"You killed her the day when you slapped her because of a random guy."

A tear escaped my eyes as I gulped the truth. He slapped his daughter. His own flesh and blood. Because of whom? A random guy?

This thing was hurting me more than marriage.

"Can we just go?" He nodded and we went inside.

I was walking through the path dressed in a princess lacy pure white wedding gown held up by spaghetti stripes. My hairs were tied in a messy bun around which hund a veil floating down the length of my back till my waist.

My father was leading me towards the him. As I walked through the aisle I could see him waiting  for me a little smile on his face.

All I wanted to do was to run away from here. The security was high cuz dad knew sometimes I became Usain Bolt.

He was leading me towards him but for me I was being lead to the gallows for execution. The moment we stood in front of him the Father started chanting the holy vows.

I was pressing the white and pink lillies that I held in hand so hard that they seemed to droop down.

I wasn't even hearing to any of that sacred vow. My mind was pondering over the ways how could I make his life hell, turn it upside down.

"Do you Rakshit Shergill, take her as your legally wedded wife?"

"I do."

"Do you Drish..."


The guards and Rakshit along with Father were looking at me confusingly. Dad asked him to continue even if it meant hurt to me.

"Do you Drishti take him as your legally wedded husband?"

"I.....I......Yes I do."

Great. Everything ruined. Why was this happening even? I just wished it was a bad dream but it wasn't.

"You may kiss the bride."

Was that necessary now? I wasn't. I glanced here and there looking at the empty seats and the guards along with our servants.

"Can we leave Rakshit?"

I spoke without any sort of expressions that could make me go weak. Dad was looking at me while his eyes held tears. Rakshit was about to speak something but I didn't want to create a scene.

"I know he is sending us to New York. Let's go." I held his hand and threw the lillies at dad's feet. "Congratulations Mr. Sarthak Sharma. You killed your daughter."

I pulled Rakshit through the aisle and reached near his car. Taking my suitcase I brought with me I sat in his car and he started driving all our way to New York.

All the way I kept cursing my fate looking out of the window with tear struck face. I opened the car window to catch up soem fresh air removing the veil and letting open my hair.

"Stop the car somewhere. I am hungry." Without looking at him I ordered him. He pulled near MC Donald's and fetched me a veg burger, some fries and a soft drink.

I got out of the car to stretch my muscles which were numb. We had been sitting in the car for just an hour. Still we had many kilometers to cover.

Seeing the milestone I wanted to topple it off it's original location and throw it into a pool of piranhas.

"Umm....Are you okay Drishti?"

"Am I looking okay? I just married a poor rugged man who I don't know could give me the comforts I need? Do you even know how much I spend. You know my lipstick costs your salary. My dresses cost double your income. How much do you earn? Can you even satisfy my needs?"

I burst out a him. But he was so resilient to my talks. He simply smiled.

"I know I can't match your levels. But I will try to give you whatever you ask for. I will try to keep you happy."

"If my happiness is without you?"

"I am sorry but I won't let you go. Princess you are know my wife. Digest it as fast as you can. It will do good. Now come on we have to reach NY. You seem to be a little tired as from last encounter I think you would talked to me with ruffled feathers. You know tomorrow we have to do your college work too."

I didn't have the energy to argue so I stepped inside the car and we drove away.


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Enjoy your day buddy!

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