Chapter 53

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I may get ready for youAnd It doesn't AffectMy self respect At all

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I may get ready for you
And It doesn't Affect
My self respect
At all


"Oh my gosh, I haven't been this nervous when I was giving my final exams. How am I looking Natasha?" I asked Natasha the same question for thirty seventh time now.

Her face showed how much she was loving this question. "Seriously? You've been asking this same question for the past thirty minutes now. No wonder why Divya left the room an hour ago when I entered"

Correct, I had already crossed all the limits of asking the same question. In case of Divya, she had to listen to this question for an hour before I was half satisfied with my outfit and my accessories.

"Oh quiet. You speak a lot. Gosh, my hair aren't ready yet and the guests will be here any minute! Rakshit will be here any minute and I want to be ready before that. I need to look perfect!" There are some things that never change. Besides every person wants their special day to be perfect, right?

Today was dad's birthday, and one of the most special events today was that he was introducing Rakshit as his son in law.

I was making plan for a proposal and my dad had his own plans. A whole day of puppy faces and 'you don't love me' did their work and restrained dad from making this announcement and asking me any questions which started from the word 'why'

So, we were going as a date today. But I definitely wanted it to be special. I wanted most of the things in my life to be special. Who doesn't?

Moreover it's not that thinking of my appearance on a day which was improtant for me would make me a huge narcissist. Girls please, do what makes you feel beautiful.

And wearing everything in a way I felt it right, made me feel beautiful. I was getting ready for myself and a part of me wanted to see his reaction too. I knew that this man out there would be there with me even if I was wearing a normal pyjama with loose hoodie.

Give me a reason why I can't dress up for him if I wanted to.

It's not your respect speaking, it's your ego darling. Getting ready for the person who is true and loyal, well, he deserved it. Such men exist. If you didn't find them, doesn't mean they don't.

How weird that you have to explain everything you do to someone else, just because some people have got the wrong concepts about life and men?

"Agrh sit down dramaqueen" Natasha pushed me harshly and made me sit on the chair. After all the silent fights with Natasha, we moved on and now I could finally say that we were on a good page now.

"You're not as useless as I thought" I admired how she she set the silver beads in my hair and used a straightner to add minor curls to my hair.

"Thanks your majesty!" She mocked, striking the straightner on my head when it was cooled.

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