Chapter 27

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Drishti's POV:

Unlike every morning over a past few days, this morning was marked by a few moments satisfaction when my eyes took notice of Divya sleeping beside me holding my hand. 'Idiot' I murmured, trying to get it out of her grip without disturbing her sleep.

'But I still love you' placing a light kiss on her forehead, I got out of the blanket and started moving towards the closet to grab my clothes and toiletries.

When I was done with the washroom and dressing up for today, I went inside the room and found Natasha sitting beside Divya on my part of the bed, laughing with her.

Firstly you want to get between my marriage and then you want to snatch my best friend away?

"Ah, here she is" Divya smiled at me, knowing that the chances of me bursting out without trying to know what was going on could even exceed one hundred percentage.

"And what's going on?" In a tone filled with utter discontentment, I pointed towards the bed, "what's she doing on my side of the bed?"

"Drish" the way Divya google eyed me along with calling out my name made sure whatever Natasha would try, Divya wasn't going to just leave me, "she was just talking about a few college incidents"

"Yeah whatever, I'm taking your neck band today, matches my outfit" I moved to the closet and pulled the neck band out of a tiny blue 'Courage' bag. Even if the white bottoms and black tank top I was wearing had nothing to do with the neck band, I still decided to give it a shot. Because I wanted to.

Just because someone would make fun of me, why should I not wear something I want to.

Tying my hairs in a high ponytail, I wore the neck band too. Didn't look that bad though.

"You're a fun comapny. We girls should definitely hang out" Ok, when I'll be meeting Divya in private, two punches for sure. Thank you so much Divya.

"I would've" Natasha sighed, which really wasn't need at the moment. Just look at the tension in the room, duh! "But your friends won't like it at all. Afterall they couldn't even hang out with their own family, if they took them to be one"

Anyome could tell that the words were targeted at Rakshit and I which was something I would've replied too in a way, none of them would've liked.

"I think you should get ready Divya. I'll be waiting for you outside, bye" If it wasn't for Divya, I would've never simply walked away acting like nothing happened.

Out of boredom, I decided to simply roam here and there like a lost soul. This gave me time to think about what Divya told me. Well, I think I should try to give Rakshit a chance but what if dad had done the same thing he used to do.

Old habits die hard.

Last night just before I could sign out of my conscious state Divya asked me for a favor the first time in her life. She asked me to give Rakshit and Natasha a chance. Somewhere about Rakshit she was right, many a times he had proved that he really cared but it's just that I had no faith left in 'most' people.

But about Natasha, I am not making the first move. If her behavior towards me grew any better, I think I'll try to befriend her.

Silence is the best time to discover yourself, a part of you nobody knows. That part of you people thought didn't exist but it did. Just because of past experiences or a few unpleasant people in your life, you just suffocate that part of you to death.

Why does that part even have to die?

Why can't you be you and I be just me?

The most reactive person can sometimes be the most tolerating one and the most hated person could've been once the most loved one. All until one day an unwanted change steps in.

I want people to hate me.
I want them to stay away from me.
I don't want to be loved by many. Just Divya, Romi and Dad were enough for me.

But with time I think dad just simply walked away. Maybe it was for me, that I have been wrong somewhere.

Ok fine, I was wrong.

But that didn't mean he was right too.

After mom died it was a difficult task holding myself together, everyone has different feelings. Nobody knows what they say can hit the other badly. Sometimes you'll be thinking you're pissing the person off but you never know you're actually disturbing that person mentally. It's different, how we feel everything, how we behave in each condition.

It's all different.

For some a small think can be big and some a big thing can be small but none of them should be blamed.

I'm kind of understanding when I am all alone but whenever I see people, I just lose my sense somewhere.

'Life sucks!' Letting out a deep sigh I watched the lake sitting under the tree where some time my mom and I used to sit.

"It surely does. But sometimes you suck too" The voice indicated that it was Rakshit, who came from behind the tree and sat beside me forwarding me two sandwiches and a starbucks.

Ok, where did that come from?

"That's not so convincing. What do you want to say?" Taking the sandwiches and godforsaken Starbucks from unknown place, I diverted my eyes towards the lake once again.

"Just saying. You are bad at times but Romi and Divya still love you. That's life. It will suck at times but you'll still love it" he smiled lightly as I could guess by eyeing him through the corner of my eyes where normally my eyes didn't reach.

"What about you? Do you love?" Trying to make it sound as casual as possible, I sipped the not-so-bad Starbucks.

"Yes I do. I love my life" he spoke.

"Wasn't really asking that" the sentence was nothing more than a whisper so he couldn't hear what I said. I was about to lean on his shoulder when he looked here and there in suspicion-

"I need to go. Someone will see us together"

"Can't you just stay?"

"Someone will come" he tried getting up and that's when I held his arm and pulled him back to his place.

"It's too early. The sun isn't even up. No one will see us. Besides we are far away from every eye. Just stay for some time"

"No it's okay I will just-" He tried getting up again but my hold on him never allowed to let him go.

"Please stay" I whispered leaning on his shoulder, still holding his arm. "Will you?"

"I told you a million times. I'll never leave. It's just you who don't want to stay" he sighed placing his cheek on my hand, and eating one of my sandwiches.

"Such a thief"

"No, you're excessively greedy when it comes to food" he chuckled.

"Aren't we all?" I could feel him nod his yes in postitive before his hand rubbed mine which was gripping his arm. "I just don't like sharing"

Next update is kind of predictable.

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