Chapter 42

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No one noticed that they came to the place by bus so how could she say that she was travelling after so many years.
Longer than ususal update ahead
This one's for Drikshit_lover who always wnat long updates! Anyways, Love you bro *shows teeth*

This time will always
Be Special
For me

This time will alwaysBe SpecialFor me

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The bus travel was not so comfortable for us, as there was no vacancy and each one of us had to travel by standing all the way. Completing the bus travel somehow, we managed to reach the metro on time and paid for our tickets.

"Drishti, are you hungry?" I asked her. I knew Divya and Natasha had their lunch before we left but Drishti did not like to eat before travelling in some 'non air conditioned transportation so she must have been hungry.

"Yeah, I'm starving" hitting her stomach with her left hand she took a deep breath as if she had been waiting for this moment when we would be finally getting something to eat.

"I have to talk to Romi for a minute. Can you go and get something for me too?" I mean, if she was being so good, she should be volunteering to do it herself.

"Me?" Drishti turned around looking everywhere, trying to see if someone was there. With her fruitless attempts to find any person around her she moved her face back and looked at me "But, I don't. Want To Go"




Tapping her feet impatiently on the floor, she crossed her arms arcoss her chest and leaned in to and fro motion of her body while her face before looking at me and huffing in disappointment "Ok fine. What do you want?"


"Poison?" Smiling widely at me, she stood at her place quietly and watched me smile at her with an equal creeo expression.

"Only after you take it"



"Meanest" she said

"Yes you are" I chuckled. When she understood the meaning of my statement, I earned a whack on my shoulder after which she pushed me away and left to buy something to eat. I looked back at her and saw her grabbing Divya's hand, pulling her away.

Miss Classy And Mr. Sufficient [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now