Chapter 5

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Drishti's POV:

We started in the afternoon and reached New York in the evening itself. The whole time I kept staring blankly at the highways, the cars and the trucks. The buildings and the people.

The things that hurt me most were my own father and my expectations. I used to compare myself living in a forest where flowers used to bloom and butterflies flying fast with alluring wings. Because I loved nature, who did not?

But now that forest was dark and all the butterflies had broken wings.

"What's done is done. What's gone is never gonna come back. It's best to move on Drishti"

"No need to call me by my name. No one uses my name but my friends" Yeah just the two of them. Rest were just namesake.

"Fine, princess. Is that okay?"

Cheesey much, but I was habitaul to being called this.

"Keep quiet and focus on driving. I don't need your stupid advice"

"You see. Life is like weather. It keeps changing every second. Storms, calmness, rain, sunshine. They just come and go" he explained.

I didn't find even a single point in all that crap he was saying and I wasn't interested either.

"Just drive to that place"

After these pathetic hours we reached a fairly small appartment. Directly from a mansion to an appartment. Wow.

"Bring my luggage" I walked inside the gloomy appartment.

Can you believe it?

It had just four rooms, a kitchen and two washrooms on the ground floor and four rooms and three washrooms upstairs.

What a small appartment!

"It's a home if you have any confusion sweetheart" He yelled from behind, I must have been loud to yell.

"Excuse me? Who told you to call me that?"

"Well. I am sorry princess" he shrugged his shoulders

I was surely gonna fight with him but all I wanted to do now was mere sleeping comfortably. It was a pretty Charlotte house. Pretty small!

Picking my heavy gown from it's rim I started investigating the rooms and as expected! None of them suited my type. I felt bewildered.

"You can move upstairs. First room from the left. Hope you will like he" He smiled calmly at me.

Wait you fool. I will soon destroy your calmness.

"Adjust my wardrobe. I'll just have a bath first" Old habits die hard. I can't ever try being any less bossya round people.

I went upstairs into that room and to my surprise the room was really freakin me out.

This was something beyond my expectation. I had expected a small room with a single bed with a flattened mattress without an air conditioner. At least the room ain't too bad.

So bascially my bed was almost the floor but for a reason I loved it. The matress was laid on the floor.My so-called-bed covered half the room. All of it was covered woth beautiful white net hangings and fairy lights.

The right half of it gave an alluring celestial view taht any teenage girl would love. The cushions, the balnket, everything was just perfect making me short of words.

The left half was a fairly graceful one perfect for sleeping and reading. Some really sophisticated person must have worked on it. A black hanging chair was hung in the balcony and I could see it from here only. I wanted to see what lied outside but it was actually night because of traffic and my order to him that we must pass through the Time Square.

The mattress seemed fairly fluffy and I wanted to jump on them like a maiac. There was a closet nearby which had a place to change and arrange my attires.

"You liked it?"

"Gosh I loved it!"

I shrieked despite being angry. Everything was complicated. Just now I was thinking to pound on him like an angry cat and just in some seconds my anger subsided in a pace quicker that it rose.

"I mean it's okay. I can adjust"

"Actually I didn't know what girls like. So I just arranged the room with all the good kinda stuff I found" He was rubbing his nape in nervousness.

Did he just mean that he had done this all?

For me?

This fellow can arrange such a pretty classy room. I mean I ain't impressed okay. I was just thinking How pathetic! Of me. LoL. Me because I thought he couldn't.

"You did it?"

"Um. Yeah" I felt his hands resting on my shoulders as kissed my hairs from behing. "I knew you would like it. Anything else you want?"

"Just arrange my wardrobe till I come back after a shower"

I unpacked my bag and pulled out my black shorts and oversized grey full sleeved top and went for a relaxing shower. Basically running away.

The washroom was also fair. He kinda wasn't that much poor as I expected him to be. I guess I was thinking a bit too stupidly.

A bath tub!

Thank goodness!

I filled the tub with warm water and added some strawberry smelled bubble bath shampoo which I had brought with me. Black and grey washroom. Nice.

I stepped out of my wedding gown and sat down in the bathtub as the warm water worked on my muscles and relaxed me.

Water working on muscles?

I have lost it.

Wait for tomorrow dear, Miss Classy will be back.

Spending half an hour relaxing in the tub I stepped out of it and wrapped a towel around myself. I changed into my night clothes and came out only to find my pathetic husband standing with some eatables.

"Are you hungry?"

"Seeing you my hunger died but" I just shrugged my shoulders and took the tray from him. "Thank you and remember. You aren't allowed in my room"

Saying this I pushed him out of the room, still not harshly but enough to throw him out.

"You turned my life upside down Mr. Sufficient. Just enjoy till tomorrow. I will make you realize that your decision wasn't the best. Just remember living with me ain't going to be easy. Prepare yourself for your bad luck."

Shutting the door I ate whatever he brought for me and slept a not-so-peaceful sleep.


Hope you liked the update.

The next update maybe a bit make you angry with her.

Till then. Good bye!

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