Chapter 9

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Drishti's POV:

"That was fantastic!"

"I am fantastic"

"Hi, I am Neil. And who are you Miss Fantastic?"

"Drishti" I forwarded my hand for a formal handshake.

Before further conversations could start our Business teacher came and as they say "Old Habits Die Hard" I was least bothered.

Everyone stood up to greet her while I kept sitting and scrolling down my Instagram page.

"Well I guess you must be a new admission right?"

"Have you ever seen me before?"


"Then what was the point of this useless question?"

The whole class went hooting "Ooo" while the female teacher walked upto her bench trying to ignore what happened.

"So, how about you introduce yourself?"

"I am Drishti. I love myself, rap and Ian Somerhalder. I hate everyone else. Everyone is Stupid.  Thank You so much"

Yeah! I cut my father's name because people will be like- Oh That Girl Got money so she is showing attitude.

I kept my phone inside my bag while everyone looked at me as if I was an alien. Some with a smirk, some with amusement, some with a smile cum laugh.

"Very well Drishti. Next time if your feet aches in my class no need to show yourself here"

I simply tossed my eyes without knowing it wasn't even a beginning.

The class ended after an hour and I walked upto my locker to fetch my books for French class. With business studies, I took French.

"So, Drishti. Will you accompany us till the cafeteria?" Neil asked me with a smile and I agreed.

"You're the Basketball Team Captain?" I asked him while he stopped sipping his Cappuccino in surprise. "What? It's just experience"


"I am born impressive" we both laughed and chatted about random stuff. He introduced me to his friends and to be honest I didn't like them at all except for Neil.

The time passed in classes and all. Everything seemed perfect, especially the part in which I hadn't seen Rakshit.

The moment the college ended I was feeling sad that I had to return with him to his house.

I didn't want to be seen anywhere with him for now so I preferred walking to his home rather than sitting in his car.

The moment I reached home I directly went to my room and changed into my deep blue outfit and sat on the living room couch waiting for him.

Don't wrong me!

I was waiting for him to come and prepare me lunch. Nothing else!

An hour passed but he didn't come.
Another hour passed but still no signs.
A third hour passed which made me a bit nervous.

Where could he be?

Aliens came and kidnapped him?
He was busy roaming around?
He was least bothered about me?
He was busy in dancing around the streets?
He was eating outside forgetting that I was hungry?
A whale engulfed him?

Ian kidnapped him cuz he married me?

Oh my god! Ian!

I was pacing back and forth in the living room chewing my thumb in nervousness when the doorbell rang. I rushed to open it but before I could open it, it was opened from outside by someone.

It was him!

Rakshit had the spare key of his house. 100% one for him and another for me.

He looked extremely tensed and devastated that moment. His hairs were all messed up as if he had been rubbing them like insane.

The moment he saw me ,he quickly rushed towards me and hugged me. It was something which happened all of a sudden that I didn't know how to react.

"Thank God you are safe. Where were you? I tried calling you so many times. You didn't pick up. Why did you leave the college without informing me? I was so tensed. Why did you come alone? What if something would have happened?"

He was speaking continuously without giving me even a second to speak. For two minutes I kept listening to his irregular heartbeats and his panting sounds.

And then!

I pushed him away from me slightly.

Yes! How dare he hug me without my permission?

"How dare you! You can't touch me without my permission! Got that! If we are married, it doesn't mean that you can touch me" I wiped his touch off me as he sighed.


He tried to explain but I signaled him to stop. "Not a word. This is the last time I am behaving politely. Next time, I won't spare ya. Got that?"

"Ok" He simply spoke and we stood there for sonic moments. It was slightly awkward for him and a part for me too.

"And whose gonna make the food? Is food gonna prepare it itself?"

One- I was hungry
Two- There was a need to end this awkwardness.

"Oh yeah. I'll just make it after changing"

"Ok. Come fast" I went to my room rubbing my arms.

The moment I entered the room I was feeling him, his touch. The protectiveness and care with which he held me. It could be felt.

For a moment I felt safe.
For a moment I felt cared.
For a moment I felt


"Shrug it off Drishti! Love doesn't exist!" I laid back in my bed pulling out my laptop. Before I could start binging the Eighth season of Vampire Diaries for the third time due to which i had a huge crush on Ian Somerhalder, someone knocked at my door.

I knew it was him. Who else it could be?

Ian coming as Damon Salvatore to kidnap me?

I love Vampire Diaries. Never bored! Perhaps which was the reason I had completed it three times.

Poor me. Ian was married.

"Come in"

"Should I bring you something here? Or you'll come downstairs"

"Bring here" After thinking for some milliseconds I replied "You know what. I am coming downstairs"

I followed him downstairs and sat at the kitchen slab waiting for FOOD!

"What's there for meal?"




Hope you liked the update!

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3rd update of the day!

Should I increase the chapter length?

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